Past Life Regression effective To Remove Blocks and Solve Unexplained Issues of body , mind and life , relationship, to understand purpose of life. Contact world renowned past life therapist dr.vandana raghuvanshi for past life regression, life between lives session, age regression, inner child healing, at birth regression, womb regression,re-birthing,,Healing past life,Past life therapy, Hypnotherapy Contact :09872880634.. India. ..
Sunday, July 25, 2021
SHIFT Shift your thinking & make new choices. May be you are blessed by talents & gifts, and the opportunity to use them. But you also notice things that aren't working as well. In those areas, perhaps a shift is needed. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you cannot expect a different result. So today, you decide to make some new choices. Even small changes, made consistently, can make a great difference. You begin by shifting your thoughts. As ideas for change come to mind, the accompanying spiritual support also becomes clear. If you are stuck up then Counselling session is very helpful. Contact at 9872880634
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Effective And Wise Decision Making Have moments of indecision been blocking your happiness, peace & success? Do you frequently rely on someone else to give you timely & accurate decisions? We often overthink, over-analyse to an extent where we fail to see options or choose from among options. The more we hesitate to decide, our decision-making power depletes. It’s fine to consult a number of people but the final decision needs to be ours. Only then we offer our best to implement it and also take responsibility for its consequences. We have all the answers within, waiting to be heard. If there’s confusion or fear, silencing the mind is important. In such stillness, the mind creates fewer thoughts, the intellect discerns right and wrong, and gives us right decisions. Let’s take decisions that suit our capacity and qualities, not based on what other people would approve. Remind yourself - I take my own decisions that help me even in the long-term. My decisions are beneficial for my mind, body, relationships and work.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Find Soul Mate in Past life regression session... It is said that even before we were born, the name of our spiritual second half has been determined. Each soul has a...Soul mate. Our true spiritual soul mate is the person who is intended to help us “complete ourselves.” Jerry McGuire was right – soul mates complete each other. A person is unable to complete his/her mission in life alone. Everyone needs someone to assist/help them become a better person. This is not always a blissful experience. Ours being in honest, sincere, and committed soul mate relationships help us to become a better version of ourselves. One has to push oneself beyond one’s comfort zone and limits to find one’s better self. Even though we tend to think of soul mates as a symbiotic union; soul mate relationships can be rough at the beginning. They can be like two jagged edge puzzle pieces trying to click into place. Sometimes it looks like one does not fit together at all, but soon after a little bit of twisting, turning, and flipping the pieces around, one feels the moment of the perfect click. It is a feeling deep inside one’s soul that says this is the right one. Often soul mates appear in disguise. One might not be physically attracted to the other when one first meets, but there is a mysterious force pushing one forward that tells this is “the right one” for you. You know you have found your soul mate when: 1. You just know it. Something deep inside tells you. It is, as if there is a spiritual force pushing you to let go of everything you previously expected and to give of yourself completely. 2. You have crossed paths before. Soul mates have met each other a previous time. You may not have connected, but you were in the same place, at the same time yet you never met until the time was right. 3. Your souls meet at the right time. Each person has to be ready to receive the soul connection. You have to be prepared to meet your soul mate. When it comes to soul mates- timing is everything. 4. Your quiet space is a peaceful place. Being quiet together is comforting like a fluffy blanket on a cold winter night. Whether you are reading in the same room, or driving in the car, there is a quiet peace between you. 5. You can hear the other person’s silent thoughts. With soul mates, there is such depth to your relationship that you can feel and hear what your partner is thinking, even if it is not verbally expressed. 6. You feel each other’s pain. You stand in each other’s shoes. You know each other so well, that the second he/she walks in, you can tell how his/her day was. You feel each other’s feelings: sadness, worry, and stress. And you share each other’s happiness and joy. 7. You know each other’s flaws and the benefits in them. Yes, it is true. Our flaws have benefits. Every trait has a positive as well as a negative side. It is the task of each person to always look for the good, even when things don’t look so good. There is usually a benefit to each flaw. 8. You share the same life goals. You are both on the same page with values, ethics, and goals. You may have a different way of reaching those goals, but you both want the same end result. 9. You are not afraid of having a conversation. Conversations can be challenging. Expressing concerns or attempting to make decisions is uncomfortable. Soul mates know that if they join together, they will be able to work it out. 10. You are not threatened by the need for alone time. You respect each other’s need for independence, knowing that when you get together, your time alone is special. 11. You don’t experience jealousy. You are secure knowing that you are the only one. 12. You respect each other’s differences and opinions. Often soul mates are polar opposite. At times this is challenging. These are the times when you are being forced to let the other person complete you. You still have your own opinion, but instead of agreeing to disagree, there is a deep level of respect for each other. You listen and honor the differences. 13. You don’t scream, curse, or threaten each other with divorce. Of course you feel the anger. People unintentionally hurt each other. But soul mates are not nasty, hurtful, or punitive. 14. You give in because you want to make your partner happy. Giving can often occur in unhealthy, co-dependent, or abusive relationships but soul mates give to each other for the sole purpose of making each other happy. 15. You know how to apologize. It is not easy to say “I am sorry” or admit that you did something that hurt the person you love. Soul mates realize that their actions or words cause harm. Even if they feel justified in their point of view, if their partner was hurt by it, they can easily apologize for the harm they have caused. 16. You would marry each other again. You know this is the one and only one for you. Even through the tough times, you would choose your partner again. You feel a sense of pride in your partner. 17. You complete each other. No person is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Soul mates complete each other. It is the yin and yang of perfect harmony. One person may be the extrovert, while one is the introvert. One may be social, while the other a homebody. Soul mates are often opposite that are attracted to a person who has their missing pieces. 18. You being in each other’s arms washes away all your stress, worries, and anxiety. There is no place you would rather be at the end of the day but in each other’s arms. If one had a rough day full of disagreements, a fight or missing the train, whatever happened is gone the second one cuddles up together. There is warmth in the heart and an inner peace one can feel. No words need to be spoken. All that exists is the silent, blissful union of two souls meant to be together eternally.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
How Do I Know What My Inner Dialogue Is Saying? Shut up & listen! Look at the words you tell yourself throughout the day. This goes beyond meditating. Listening to your inner dialogue means bringing mindfulness in throughout the day. My iner critic often acts like a wild elephant that needs to be tamed. Awareness of this led me to realize that I often focus on lack and comparison. A lot of the music I listen to reinforced my inner critic. It was like I was strengthening my inner critic by musically brainwashing myself. So take some time to notice your thoughts during the day . If you’re constantly saying the words “should have, would have, could have” your inner dialogue is probably self-criticism and not self-love. That’s a lot of energy that could be used to attract what you do want.Inner child therapy and Re birthing session helps Contact. .9872880634
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Why Is My Inner Critic Such A Jerk? Often, our internal dialogue is a mirror of external criticism from an authority figure. We carry this message with us and parent ourselves with similar beliefs. And even when we make amends, our inner critic doesn’t recognize it or give us much love. So how do we counteract that voice? The answer is our inner guide, our higher self, our inner cheerleader. This is the voice that puts things in perspective. It’s the one that reminds you that you have great qualities, that you don’t need to be with that guy to be happy, that you don’t need to run in the morning to be worthy, and that you are perfect exactly where you are in your journey.
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