Past Life Regression effective To Remove Blocks and Solve Unexplained Issues of body , mind and life , relationship, to understand purpose of life. Contact world renowned past life therapist dr.vandana raghuvanshi for past life regression, life between lives session, age regression, inner child healing, at birth regression, womb regression,re-birthing,,Healing past life,Past life therapy, Hypnotherapy Contact :09872880634.. India. ..
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
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An Interesting PLR Session
(He Regressed 2 Different Yonis in One Session)
A Man 32 years male c/o Acidity, gas , restlessness in
body , phobia to live , constant fear for life. On Scanning Brown Cloud inside
stomach. It is Poison, send back to light.
Regression Session 1st Life:
He is a 3 year old Prince
sitting on his room with fire in the Palace. He has been alone for 2 hours and
then he is rescued by soldiers and saved and taken to the King and Queen. He
grew up in Forest , rebuilt his soldiers and
conquered his Palace.
(Description of Whole Life
in Between)
In Old Age, sick by body,
chest and doesn’t likes being physically ill.
Decided to end life. He then
drinks a bowl full of poison. The Poison enters in throat up to the stomach
with a burning sensation inside. Then he is dead.
He is going up into the white
light. In between the way the same white light tells him that it was not done.
Only few years were left in his life then why did he end his life....In this
white light he has been living for 15 years now very much at peace and healed.
Many lights rest there. He is then automatically informed to go back. He is
coming down.
Regression Session 2nd Life:
I am seeing so many snakes.
Some Big Ones. I am an egg of a snake. Snakes are eating their eggs. Somehow my
egg-shell falls off sideways. The shell breaks and I come out. I roam around in
forests. As time passes by I grow up to become a big snake with green color. I
roam around here and there eating small frogs. Suddenly a vulture comes out of
nowhere and picks me up. The Vulture then bites me rigoursly and then eats me
up fully.
(Subject started moving
his body like a snake on the Reclining Chair)
I am dead now. It was a short
term life. I am going up. This time I am a bit bigger Light. The Lights on the
way gives a Loud Round of Appraisal to me for my survival which is as
equivalent to a student excelling in an Exam with First Class Marks. I am
entering into Big Light now. It is very peaceful, quiet and calm. I don’t want
to come back from this tranquil. I am happy and feeling quietness within.
Dr. Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi
MBBS MS (Surgery), Past Life
Regression Therapist
GUIDANCE, Chandigarh , India
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Past life regression story ..of a case of psychotic depression at past life regression centre at Chandigarh, read more past life
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
past life therapist in India....A past life regression Story...
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contact 09872880634 visit A PAST LIFE REGRESSION STORY |
Life Regression helped her to understand her identity :
Case....a girl, age...28, unmarried/o disharmony and fights in parents life, dominating mother, no role of parents in brought up, mother brought her up as a boy, dressed like boy, people used to think they are two brothers in family, send hostel in class 6th. Medical record...treatment for. hypothyroidism, increase uric acid, osteoarthritis, insomnia, goiter, direction of road loss , mainly in night, do not like sequences, shock absorber for strong events’, gets irritated in small things, frequent dream. Going somewhere, but something left behind, confused about her sexual identity, but not experienced any relation or sex in anyway. Actually not interested in it. When parents say to get married, feels it is imp. For her to know her sexual identity.
Regression life one... year 1817, I am a man, we live in some forest, i have a wife and two kids. I am head. We are sitting for meeting under tree. Food is not much in this area, we have to move. We are moving, we lost the track, and it is desert. Aandhi chal rahi hai. All around is sand. I am inside sand, I am dying, I am dead.
Lesson learned.........I am at peace, but i am not happy, I am leader, direction must be taken care of.
Regression life two.....year...1817, i am a girl, meera, in hamipur. My parents are thinking of my marriage. I am married, have one son. I and my husbands are like friends, not like husband, now he is dead. Live is moving. I do not talk to any one. i am now dead. i do not have any worry.
Lesson learned...algaav (detachment)
Regression life three....i am 3 yrs old girl. My parents are old. They found me near river. this village inRaipur panchayat. i am daughter
of king , was born in a palace. My mother with her own wish left me in liver,
old man found me. He is too sick. He is dead. I am 19 yrs. old lady do a lot of
chik...Chik. i go to small land, do all farming, hal jotna, i wear kurta pajama
only, because they gave this dress only. Old lady is dead......
a girl is jumping in river, i saved her., bought her home, time is moving. She takes care of home, i do farming. She is behaving like my wife. We now sleep in one bed, but there is no sex. I think i protection is main issue. She is now not happy. She is married, i am surprised, and she is asking me some tofha. She is gone. i am upset, she should have told me. Time is moving. i am not much well now. She is back. , fighting me why i not stopped her. She fights a lot. i am not well, it is morning, i am on cot outside hut. She is shouting, telling she is going to jump in well. She is going towards well. i cannot stop her. My legs are too weak now; she jumped in well in front of my eyes. I am getting weak day by day, i am dying, i am dead.
Lesson learned...algaav (detachment)
Regression life four.....year 1959, i am a boy ,age 22 year, with father and grand mother. My marriage with a moti (fat) girl is what i am seeing. Now our home lost all the peace, my wife is very "ladaka", and of angry nature. She is after my dadi. i have a son now, dadi is dead. My wife sleeps in kitchen, and fight whole day. My cousin and business partner tells me to kill her. We bought poison; he mixed it in water and gave her to drink. She in falling on the floor. She is dead. No one knows it. We are safe, but i am feeling too weak. This is guilt. Yeh mera sanskar nahi tha...i am getting weaker, no medicine work for me, and I am on bed. i am no more my father is crying.
lesson....i am feeling too much guilt
she early twenties, i was clear that i am more towards spirituality, i never gets attached to any thing, any one, i learned yoga, but when pressure for my marriage from my mother comes , this thought of my sexual identity came in my mind.
Case....a girl, age...28, unmarried/o disharmony and fights in parents life, dominating mother, no role of parents in brought up, mother brought her up as a boy, dressed like boy, people used to think they are two brothers in family, send hostel in class 6th. Medical record...treatment for. hypothyroidism, increase uric acid, osteoarthritis, insomnia, goiter, direction of road loss , mainly in night, do not like sequences, shock absorber for strong events’, gets irritated in small things, frequent dream. Going somewhere, but something left behind, confused about her sexual identity, but not experienced any relation or sex in anyway. Actually not interested in it. When parents say to get married, feels it is imp. For her to know her sexual identity.
Regression life one... year 1817, I am a man, we live in some forest, i have a wife and two kids. I am head. We are sitting for meeting under tree. Food is not much in this area, we have to move. We are moving, we lost the track, and it is desert. Aandhi chal rahi hai. All around is sand. I am inside sand, I am dying, I am dead.
Lesson learned.........I am at peace, but i am not happy, I am leader, direction must be taken care of.
Regression life two.....year...1817, i am a girl, meera, in hamipur. My parents are thinking of my marriage. I am married, have one son. I and my husbands are like friends, not like husband, now he is dead. Live is moving. I do not talk to any one. i am now dead. i do not have any worry.
Lesson learned...algaav (detachment)
Regression life three....i am 3 yrs old girl. My parents are old. They found me near river. this village in
a girl is jumping in river, i saved her., bought her home, time is moving. She takes care of home, i do farming. She is behaving like my wife. We now sleep in one bed, but there is no sex. I think i protection is main issue. She is now not happy. She is married, i am surprised, and she is asking me some tofha. She is gone. i am upset, she should have told me. Time is moving. i am not much well now. She is back. , fighting me why i not stopped her. She fights a lot. i am not well, it is morning, i am on cot outside hut. She is shouting, telling she is going to jump in well. She is going towards well. i cannot stop her. My legs are too weak now; she jumped in well in front of my eyes. I am getting weak day by day, i am dying, i am dead.
Lesson learned...algaav (detachment)
Regression life four.....year 1959, i am a boy ,age 22 year, with father and grand mother. My marriage with a moti (fat) girl is what i am seeing. Now our home lost all the peace, my wife is very "ladaka", and of angry nature. She is after my dadi. i have a son now, dadi is dead. My wife sleeps in kitchen, and fight whole day. My cousin and business partner tells me to kill her. We bought poison; he mixed it in water and gave her to drink. She in falling on the floor. She is dead. No one knows it. We are safe, but i am feeling too weak. This is guilt. Yeh mera sanskar nahi tha...i am getting weaker, no medicine work for me, and I am on bed. i am no more my father is crying.
lesson....i am feeling too much guilt
she early twenties, i was clear that i am more towards spirituality, i never gets attached to any thing, any one, i learned yoga, but when pressure for my marriage from my mother comes , this thought of my sexual identity came in my mind.
Cause of Multiple Health problems understood by her.
Loss of directions. Also re-experienced, will be removed in
Dr. Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi,Chandigarh ...09872880634
Dr. Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi,
Monday, August 20, 2012
A PAST LIFE REGRESSION TRUE STORY...FROM INDIA past life regression and alcohol craving.....a case report from Past lifeRregression Centre in Chandigarh......SHE IS SHARING HER OWN EXPERIENCE...9872880634....visit wwwdrvandanaraghuvanshi
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
past life regression therapist in Chandigarh, India...
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dr.vandana raghuvanshi contact 9872880634 |
Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a regression to previous lives. A
person relives and re-experiences own previous life. Dr. Brian Weiss had a
young lady patient with many physical issues, fear and anxiety. In trance with
his command she regressed to root cause of her present state, and to past lives.
With many sessions, she improved in her health and psychological symptoms. His
book “Many lives, Many masters” an international best seller, popularized past
life regression around the world.
In India, Dr. Tripti Jain conducted a T.V. show-“Raj Pichlay
Janam Ka”. This T.V. show made past life regression very popular in India. Now
common man understands its procedure and benefits. This therapy is gaining
popularity due to its beneficial results.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY (PLRT) is an effective therapy
and helps in all quarters of life. Few are…
Unexplained physical, mental, emotional,
relationship issues.
PLR can help to improve relations/ save married life, helps to remove disharmony in
any type of relationship, makes forgiveness
easy in bitter hurts, one can understand others point of view, one have better understanding for self.
When an emotional reaction is too intense for a
person, place, group.
Recurrent nightmare, recurrent dreams, phobias
& fears get removed with PLR.
When a person feels low energy and chronic fatigue
To remove creative blocks.
Helps to know your identity and solving sexual
In Chronic diseases, allergy, recurrent headache,
migraine, asthma etc.
For greater self-esteem.
To bring back past life abilities in your
present life and spiritual advancement.
PLR can be fascinating and emotional treat for
Is it a safe therapy?
In this
therapy no medicine is given and it is no touch therapy.
Past life regression is safe in hands of
experienced past life therapist.
What is age regression?
You regress to your present life till birth time. It is useful
Molestation and sexual assault incidence.
Traumatic experiences
Anxiety, Fear and bitterness because of some
specific incidence.
Traumatic and lonely childhood / adolescence.
Brought up with alcoholic parents and in broken
What is in Womb (antenatal)
It is the nine month time when soul
consciousness is in the womb of mother.
person regress to this time during regression therapy.
What is LBL (Live between Lives)?
After end of one life soul consciousness goes
above in light.
In LBL time soul mates, master’s guidance and
planning stage are observed.
What is SRT (Spirit release
Dr. William. J. Baldwin introduced
SRT. He developed most of the techniques which are used by therapist around the
In SRT discovery and release of attached entity
and unwanted spirits from the energy body and the physical body is done.
SRT when required and done properly brings
positive changes in life.
When a person is hypnotized he/she is in alpha stage. At
this stage suggestions are given for recovery e.g. from emotional, physical,
psychological mental issues etc. Common indications for hypnotherapy are:-
Remove stage fright.
Improve self-confidence.
Reduce stress
Management of anger
Overcome examination anxiety
Overcome fear
Bed wetting
Improve cone centration
Gaining weight
contact for past life regression in visit
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
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A Regression therapy session report...
The Shadow, Soul
Fragmentation, The Wall
single Past Life Regression Session)
23 years male, B.Tech, complains of Panic attacks at the thought of going
outside from home thus causing nausea vomiting, anxiety and colitis since last
5 years. Lack of confidence has been generated for the past 6 years. Right hand
trembles whenever there is feeling anxiety since 7 years.
Feeling restlessness as if had to do something, should go somewhere...?
Feeling restlessness as if had to do something, should go somewhere...?
Medical History: Jaundice
since 7 years. Fear of taking food outside after Jaundice .Feeling of weakness
after Jaundice.
Family History: Death of father when subject’s age was 4
and a half year.
Scanning: Right hand showed black shadow,
personification-not ready to answer anything, with counseling shadow ready to
go to white light. Released to light.
Subject: I am an old man walking along a waterfall
and suddenly I fell and I am dead. People buried me. Moving up. Looking like a
small brown bird. Now I am sitting on a tree...
Dr. VSR – why
aren’t you going up?
Sub: Want to do
work at home.
Dr. VSR - Go and
complete your work. (Help of divine light given)
Sub: My unfinished
job done.
Dr. VSR - Go to
the death point and move ahead.
Sub: I am a light
going towards big light...
Dr. VSR – Whenever
feel comfortable to come back from white light, go to most important root cause
of your present problem.
Sub: I am 5 year boy going on rickshaw from
school to home. This is my present life. At home my parents waiting for me. We
are happy.
Dr. VSR - Move
ahead with time... going school, coming home and talking to father continued
till the age of 12th class. We are happy...
Dr. VSR - Soak in
happiness and confidence within.. Whenever you feel these things within u, tell
Healing Gap..................
Subject: I am
Dr. VSR – Go to
the root cause of panic attack and anxietySubject: It is a big wall. I am
standing and watching the wall. My age is about an 18 or 19 years.
Dr. VSR - See
around the wall...
Subject: Nothing
is there.
Dr. VSR - Divine
light is removing the wall with shower of white light.
Subject: Wall is
falling .I am going up. No land beneath my feet I am climbing bright white
stairs. I am changing into a light. Oh again into big white light.
Dr. VSR - Come
back when the time in white light is over....
Subject: It seems
I rested in white light for 1 year.
I felt
something from the whole right hand, went up... It was large shadow.
is a very big wall in front of our new house. Shifted to it since 8 years. When
we go out from our home there is a big wall opposite side of front gate.
I can’t
imagine when I saw my father. Talked to him. I lived my whole school life with
my father.
Follow UP: After 20 days
I am
confident when I go out. No panic attacks
hand trembling reduced 70%.
I feel
myself more within
to eat out and feeling of weakness is present.
Gastroenterologist and investigation for GIT and general weakness by medical
expert from city he belongs.
session of PLRT to work up on fears regarding food after a gap of 45 days from
1st session.....................
Sunday, August 12, 2012
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