Tuesday, December 22, 2020

 Past life Regression session to explore the reasons for unexplained sadness, unknown phobia, no ambition and loneliness experienced since childhood.

It is night time, I am in the market. I am 35 years old man. Many Egyptian warriors are walking in the market. They avoid eye contact with me. I am wearing Greek clothes.

I am climbing stairs in a palace. There are few people in palace relaxing by the fire. Now I am alone in a simple room with big bed. I look in the mirror. I am a strong man. It seems I don’t mingle with people.

Now I leave the palace on king’s order. I am being taken on a boat to an island; there are few people there. They don’t talk to me. I am sitting on a rock like a statue. I am very sad. I want to talk to people. I have grown up beard. I don’t have anything to do.  I just sit on the rock and stare at sea. There is no home, no work, whole day I sit on the rock. It seems I am jailed.

The subject is moved back ward to his childhood……

I am of 15 years with golden hair, good looking, physically very strong. I think my brother is also of my age. I and my brother, Greek prince, are practicing sword fight.

My father expired when we were young. There is no role of mother in our life. My brother is the King. His name is Alitwas.  My brother tricked me into battle. I am winning and capturing more land for my brother. Now he sent me to the palace which is a prison for me. My name is Altieb.

The subject is brought back to the island. ….

I started arms training for the people on the island. One day during the arm training one guard hit my right arm with spear (subject started pressing his right arm). I am rolling down. The guards are hitting me with spears, tie my hands behind, drag me and lay me upside down on big stone. I am badly wounded. I bled whole night. My last thought was that they will kill me. They carried me to a big jungle so that no one can find my body. Now I understand my brother used me for gain and then killed me. I can see white light now.  On asking how was life --the answer is Sad.


I could have said no to battle and should have not killed people. I could have lived a simple life. I was physically strong and could have stood for myself. When I asked subject to forgive his brother, he said it was my choice. In that time physical strength was worshipped. I was big and strong and when young I had an inflated ego. He tricked me because I had Ego of my physical strength. He exploited and manipulated my ego.


1. Sometimes I have severe pain on right upper arm.

2. I have one brother in this life also. We don’t stand each other since childhood.

3. I was very brave till class Eight.

4. It is very important for me that people talk to me, I feel belonged, to meet people in my work place.  If I do not feel belonged I don’t go for work place.

5. In my past life at the time when I was a prisoner in palace, I used to think I have lot of work and responsibility so I used to do lot of mental work and there was no result. In the present life also I do mental work more but achieve less.

He was very satisfied with past life experience.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Listening & Responding - Body Language Tuning in to the language of our bodies can be very enlightening & increases our intuition. So much can be revealed to us when we listen to the language of our bodies. Our bodies are always speaking, sending us messages through the way we move, the sensations that arise from within, and the gestures & expressions that we make when we are communicating with others. Tuning in to the language of our bodies can be very enlightening, especially as most communication is believed to take place nonverbally. It is also believed that the body never lies & that if we want to know the truth about ourselves & others, then we should listen to what our bodies have to say. Anyone who has ever flirted with someone they are attracted to has probably, at one point in time or another, brushed their hands through their hair or found themselves leaning forward to get closer to that person. Someone feeling defensive will tend to cross their arms over their chest, while a person who wants to withhold something may look away when speaking. If you want to know how you truly feel about a person or a situation, then it is a good idea to tune in to what you are feeling inside. Excitement, nervousness, anxiety & fear are just some of the messages that your body wants you to hear. Your body can also be a very reliable compass. Anyone who has ever been somewhere they don’t want to be has probably experienced their bodies trying to move them away from that particular circumstance. And while it can be very easy to talk ourselves into & out of choices we may make with our minds, it isn’t so easy to change the truth of our hearts that reside within our bodies. To begin tuning in to this subtle form of communication, start taking the time to notice what your body is telling you. Greet each feeling or sensation as a message carrying wisdom from your body. Tune in to what your body is telling you about the situations & people you encounter and listen to what others are communicating to you through their bodies. We already are subconsciously receptive to the language of our bodies, but when we choose to consciously pay attention, we hear & understand so much more about ourselves and the people around us.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Keeping our energy strong & pure throughout the day is vital to somebody that is sensitive. Being a sensitive person in this world can sometimes feel very draining due to the fact that we are very receptive to the energy of the people & environment around us. Still, we want to be part of situations that involve small or large groups of people, and we would like to do it without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted. With a few simple strategies we can entertain at home & socialize in the world without running the risk of losing ourselves in someone else’s energy or giving our energy away. All this takes is a little time & practice, and the result—being part of social events without ending up depleted—is well worth the effort. The whole purpose of this self-care ritual is to help keep yourself strong energetically when you are in a situation that could potentially be draining. For example, if you are having a party, you might take some time to prepare beforehand. Just as you spend time cleaning your home & preparing food, it is essential to prepare your inner home for the event. This can be as simple as taking a mindful walk or a cleansing bath, or engaging in any other activity that gives you energy. You can even just sit alone for a set period of time, tuning in to your energy & connecting to yourself so that you are less easily carried away by the energy outside of yourself. You may employ a mantra such as “I am centered & safe in the home of myself.” You can also charge a crystal or gemstone or any piece of jewelry with protective energy & wear it or carry it with you. This can be helpful during the event when just seeing it or touching it can remind you that you are centered & safe.! Keep in mind that it is always acceptable to excuse yourself for a bathroom break or to step outside for a moment. This can give you the time & space you need to check in with yourself & correct any energetic imbalances you detect. Whether you are at home or out in the world, taking care of yourself in this way enables you to keep your energy strong, even as you open yourself to others.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Internal & External Attachments Attachment can be on two levels - either internal or external. Some common examples of external attachments are attachments to: * people, * objects, * your physical body, * your position or role in your family, society or in your professional field, * money, * places, * physical comfort/comforts, * the way you look or dress up or carry yourself or your physical personality in general, * a particular skill/skills, * a particular interest or hobby like watching movies, online social networking, etc. * your routine or a certain way of working at home or at the workplace, * respect from others, * how people see you or behave with you or what they think of you, etc. Some common examples of internal attachments are attachments to: * your ideas, * your beliefs, * your opinions or viewpoints, * your memories, * a certain way of thinking * a particular virtue/virtues or specialty/specialties, * a particular power/powers, * a particular sanskar/sanskars - either positive or negative, etc. Whether the attachment is external or internal, the act of attaching is always internal. e.g. if you attach yourself to your job, you will say "my job". Your job is something external, but you hold on to it inside you - inside your consciousness. Each time we attach ourselves to anything which is external or internal, we create fears, amongst which the main one is the fear of loss of what I am attached to. The attachment not only gives rise to fear but also brings with it emotions like anger, ego, sadness, jealousy, greed, comparisons, hatred etc. All these emotions have their roots in attachment, which gives rise to insecurity.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Past life regression therapy helps one to understand one’s karmic debts...


Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi, M-9872880634


Relationship with members of immediate family that drives a person crazy with anger & frustration is carryover of your karmic debts from past life. This person, may be your father/ mother/ brother/ sister/ husband/ friend etc, gets under your skin & exasperate you endlessly. You have had experienced harsh circumstances in prior lifetimes with this person and it was your soul’s choice to be together again in this lifetime to sort out karmic debts and clear your energies.


Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. Failure to clear the energies in this lifetime will make you incarnate with this soul again & again & again through genetics & familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. You are brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him/her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions but it means detoxifying your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic & unhealthy.


It is also a waste of time & energy to blame that person for family dramas & your own upsets. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows & ego issues, & we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him/her doesn’t help the situation & doesn’t balance the karma between you two.


Breaking the Karmic Cycle


The first step to break Karmic cycle is to take responsibility for its presence in life. Your soul chose to be with this person for spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time.


Forgive yourself for ignoring the warnings by your angels against entering & committing to this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. Life lessons count only if we learn from them. This person’s behavior infuriates you but this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked.


Now is the time to let go of your fantasy that you could change or fix the person as you desire or dream him/her to be. You are neither that person’s source nor the author of his/her life scripts.


Monday, December 7, 2020


Guilt is a destructive false impression that ruins relationships, results in depression and even destroys lives especially of the Individuals suffering from it......Do not live with GUILT....

When an individual even does not know why he/she is feeling Guilty ...the life is very difficult. Getting it released with age regression, past life regression the sooner the better....

Contact Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi


An emotion usually affects human beings differently; however origin of Guilt usually has similar cause and almost similar effects for all individuals.  Studies and research on the subject clearly indicate that person carries either of the two types of Guilt, one that is result of our conscious wrong decision and the second is the guilt as a result of our very thoughtful, calculative measure called "Practical decisions". As a result we end up either going wrong in our own life or hurting our near and dear ones. But sometime one carries a deep feeling of guilt, without doing anything consciously or unconsciously...

It interesting to know that irrespective of the cause of its origin, it is always either result of self Victimization (in case of known wrong decisions) or it would result in self victimization (In case of strong practical decisions).....The feeling of self denial when you are not even aware of any cause...

When our conscious wrong decision is the origin of Guilt, we end up becoming a victim in the eyes of the people around and start justifying decision explaining helplessness and lack of choice to take such decision and end up where we are today. These decisions are those that we take despite our inner self is continuously advising against either by way of various feelings, or some obvious signs such as negative vibes. The temptation is so much that we behave as if never observed any sign & suppress our inner voice, ignore other's advice and take that tingling wrong decision.

In such cases, self victimization starts after Guilt. We initially do it just to justify ourselves in front of people not realizing that the mind, once it masters any task, keeps generating the same thing over and over again, and of course the universe comes to its help to ensure we sympathize more, we feel guilt more which would result in more justification and more self pity and eventually we start believing we were a victim of circumstances and the vicious circle never stops.

Guilt is a fake impression that we carry to justify our decision proved wrong just to escape judgments which eventually becomes a strong belief and the Soul carries it till we learn the lesson of taking responsibility of our actions, till we learn to listen to our inner voice, till we have true faith.

There is another scenario when we carry guilt of having created painful circumstances for our near and dear ones because of a very practical decision taken at a point of time in a particular situation. We carry guilt because of our ignorance. In this case guilt happens because of too much attachment, our sight limited to the physical world and unaware of the fact that every Soul has its own plan. Nothing happens without reason. The decision was taken with good intention for the betterment of all to the best of capability however it did not turn out to be as we planned. Every other person has a different plan and has to go through certain situations to learn lessons. We fail to understand that the decision taken was as per our limited knowledge and in line with our own journey. We cannot live the life of others as we do not know what their journey is all about and why did they chose to be in a situation where something had to go wrong. Here again as you see, guilt is a false emotion, it happens due to lack of knowledge and too much attachment.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Why do I feel sadness?

A client  said Dr Vandana I feel my life is not normal. There is sadness inside me.  I want to experience my past life. 


I am 18 year old girl standing near a well talking to a tall boy working in field. I am very happy talking to him but my mother does not like him. He is poor. She abuses him.  

I am in my home. The boy came to meet me and went back. I am wearing a colourful dress and Jewellery. I am looking beautiful. My mother is getting me married to someone.  The boy is wearing turban. We are going to his home after marriage. It is very far. My husband is a good person but I did not want to marry him. My mother in law is not good. Now I have a girl child. I am feeling good. I do not talk much with my husband.  I always remember that poor boy. My daughter is seven years old.  I told my husband I want to go to meet my mother. He agreed. I went to my village.

Next day I went to the well where I used to meet the boy. He is not there. The villagers told me he died. I felt very bad and sat under the tree near the well.  After sometime, I am again going to the well. I jumped into the well. I am floating in the well. My eyes are open. I am sinking. I am dead. 

Next day villagers took my body out of the well. My mother and husband are sad. My daughter is crying. I am cremated. My mother and daughter are same in the present life.  My last thought was that now I will meet him.