Tuesday, December 22, 2020

 Past life Regression session to explore the reasons for unexplained sadness, unknown phobia, no ambition and loneliness experienced since childhood.

It is night time, I am in the market. I am 35 years old man. Many Egyptian warriors are walking in the market. They avoid eye contact with me. I am wearing Greek clothes.

I am climbing stairs in a palace. There are few people in palace relaxing by the fire. Now I am alone in a simple room with big bed. I look in the mirror. I am a strong man. It seems I don’t mingle with people.

Now I leave the palace on king’s order. I am being taken on a boat to an island; there are few people there. They don’t talk to me. I am sitting on a rock like a statue. I am very sad. I want to talk to people. I have grown up beard. I don’t have anything to do.  I just sit on the rock and stare at sea. There is no home, no work, whole day I sit on the rock. It seems I am jailed.

The subject is moved back ward to his childhood……

I am of 15 years with golden hair, good looking, physically very strong. I think my brother is also of my age. I and my brother, Greek prince, are practicing sword fight.

My father expired when we were young. There is no role of mother in our life. My brother is the King. His name is Alitwas.  My brother tricked me into battle. I am winning and capturing more land for my brother. Now he sent me to the palace which is a prison for me. My name is Altieb.

The subject is brought back to the island. ….

I started arms training for the people on the island. One day during the arm training one guard hit my right arm with spear (subject started pressing his right arm). I am rolling down. The guards are hitting me with spears, tie my hands behind, drag me and lay me upside down on big stone. I am badly wounded. I bled whole night. My last thought was that they will kill me. They carried me to a big jungle so that no one can find my body. Now I understand my brother used me for gain and then killed me. I can see white light now.  On asking how was life --the answer is Sad.


I could have said no to battle and should have not killed people. I could have lived a simple life. I was physically strong and could have stood for myself. When I asked subject to forgive his brother, he said it was my choice. In that time physical strength was worshipped. I was big and strong and when young I had an inflated ego. He tricked me because I had Ego of my physical strength. He exploited and manipulated my ego.


1. Sometimes I have severe pain on right upper arm.

2. I have one brother in this life also. We don’t stand each other since childhood.

3. I was very brave till class Eight.

4. It is very important for me that people talk to me, I feel belonged, to meet people in my work place.  If I do not feel belonged I don’t go for work place.

5. In my past life at the time when I was a prisoner in palace, I used to think I have lot of work and responsibility so I used to do lot of mental work and there was no result. In the present life also I do mental work more but achieve less.

He was very satisfied with past life experience.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Listening & Responding - Body Language Tuning in to the language of our bodies can be very enlightening & increases our intuition. So much can be revealed to us when we listen to the language of our bodies. Our bodies are always speaking, sending us messages through the way we move, the sensations that arise from within, and the gestures & expressions that we make when we are communicating with others. Tuning in to the language of our bodies can be very enlightening, especially as most communication is believed to take place nonverbally. It is also believed that the body never lies & that if we want to know the truth about ourselves & others, then we should listen to what our bodies have to say. Anyone who has ever flirted with someone they are attracted to has probably, at one point in time or another, brushed their hands through their hair or found themselves leaning forward to get closer to that person. Someone feeling defensive will tend to cross their arms over their chest, while a person who wants to withhold something may look away when speaking. If you want to know how you truly feel about a person or a situation, then it is a good idea to tune in to what you are feeling inside. Excitement, nervousness, anxiety & fear are just some of the messages that your body wants you to hear. Your body can also be a very reliable compass. Anyone who has ever been somewhere they don’t want to be has probably experienced their bodies trying to move them away from that particular circumstance. And while it can be very easy to talk ourselves into & out of choices we may make with our minds, it isn’t so easy to change the truth of our hearts that reside within our bodies. To begin tuning in to this subtle form of communication, start taking the time to notice what your body is telling you. Greet each feeling or sensation as a message carrying wisdom from your body. Tune in to what your body is telling you about the situations & people you encounter and listen to what others are communicating to you through their bodies. We already are subconsciously receptive to the language of our bodies, but when we choose to consciously pay attention, we hear & understand so much more about ourselves and the people around us.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Keeping our energy strong & pure throughout the day is vital to somebody that is sensitive. Being a sensitive person in this world can sometimes feel very draining due to the fact that we are very receptive to the energy of the people & environment around us. Still, we want to be part of situations that involve small or large groups of people, and we would like to do it without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted. With a few simple strategies we can entertain at home & socialize in the world without running the risk of losing ourselves in someone else’s energy or giving our energy away. All this takes is a little time & practice, and the result—being part of social events without ending up depleted—is well worth the effort. The whole purpose of this self-care ritual is to help keep yourself strong energetically when you are in a situation that could potentially be draining. For example, if you are having a party, you might take some time to prepare beforehand. Just as you spend time cleaning your home & preparing food, it is essential to prepare your inner home for the event. This can be as simple as taking a mindful walk or a cleansing bath, or engaging in any other activity that gives you energy. You can even just sit alone for a set period of time, tuning in to your energy & connecting to yourself so that you are less easily carried away by the energy outside of yourself. You may employ a mantra such as “I am centered & safe in the home of myself.” You can also charge a crystal or gemstone or any piece of jewelry with protective energy & wear it or carry it with you. This can be helpful during the event when just seeing it or touching it can remind you that you are centered & safe.! Keep in mind that it is always acceptable to excuse yourself for a bathroom break or to step outside for a moment. This can give you the time & space you need to check in with yourself & correct any energetic imbalances you detect. Whether you are at home or out in the world, taking care of yourself in this way enables you to keep your energy strong, even as you open yourself to others.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Internal & External Attachments Attachment can be on two levels - either internal or external. Some common examples of external attachments are attachments to: * people, * objects, * your physical body, * your position or role in your family, society or in your professional field, * money, * places, * physical comfort/comforts, * the way you look or dress up or carry yourself or your physical personality in general, * a particular skill/skills, * a particular interest or hobby like watching movies, online social networking, etc. * your routine or a certain way of working at home or at the workplace, * respect from others, * how people see you or behave with you or what they think of you, etc. Some common examples of internal attachments are attachments to: * your ideas, * your beliefs, * your opinions or viewpoints, * your memories, * a certain way of thinking * a particular virtue/virtues or specialty/specialties, * a particular power/powers, * a particular sanskar/sanskars - either positive or negative, etc. Whether the attachment is external or internal, the act of attaching is always internal. e.g. if you attach yourself to your job, you will say "my job". Your job is something external, but you hold on to it inside you - inside your consciousness. Each time we attach ourselves to anything which is external or internal, we create fears, amongst which the main one is the fear of loss of what I am attached to. The attachment not only gives rise to fear but also brings with it emotions like anger, ego, sadness, jealousy, greed, comparisons, hatred etc. All these emotions have their roots in attachment, which gives rise to insecurity.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Past life regression therapy helps one to understand one’s karmic debts...


Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi, M-9872880634


Relationship with members of immediate family that drives a person crazy with anger & frustration is carryover of your karmic debts from past life. This person, may be your father/ mother/ brother/ sister/ husband/ friend etc, gets under your skin & exasperate you endlessly. You have had experienced harsh circumstances in prior lifetimes with this person and it was your soul’s choice to be together again in this lifetime to sort out karmic debts and clear your energies.


Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. Failure to clear the energies in this lifetime will make you incarnate with this soul again & again & again through genetics & familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. You are brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him/her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions but it means detoxifying your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic & unhealthy.


It is also a waste of time & energy to blame that person for family dramas & your own upsets. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows & ego issues, & we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him/her doesn’t help the situation & doesn’t balance the karma between you two.


Breaking the Karmic Cycle


The first step to break Karmic cycle is to take responsibility for its presence in life. Your soul chose to be with this person for spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time.


Forgive yourself for ignoring the warnings by your angels against entering & committing to this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. Life lessons count only if we learn from them. This person’s behavior infuriates you but this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked.


Now is the time to let go of your fantasy that you could change or fix the person as you desire or dream him/her to be. You are neither that person’s source nor the author of his/her life scripts.


Monday, December 7, 2020


Guilt is a destructive false impression that ruins relationships, results in depression and even destroys lives especially of the Individuals suffering from it......Do not live with GUILT....

When an individual even does not know why he/she is feeling Guilty ...the life is very difficult. Getting it released with age regression, past life regression the sooner the better....

Contact Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi


An emotion usually affects human beings differently; however origin of Guilt usually has similar cause and almost similar effects for all individuals.  Studies and research on the subject clearly indicate that person carries either of the two types of Guilt, one that is result of our conscious wrong decision and the second is the guilt as a result of our very thoughtful, calculative measure called "Practical decisions". As a result we end up either going wrong in our own life or hurting our near and dear ones. But sometime one carries a deep feeling of guilt, without doing anything consciously or unconsciously...

It interesting to know that irrespective of the cause of its origin, it is always either result of self Victimization (in case of known wrong decisions) or it would result in self victimization (In case of strong practical decisions).....The feeling of self denial when you are not even aware of any cause...

When our conscious wrong decision is the origin of Guilt, we end up becoming a victim in the eyes of the people around and start justifying decision explaining helplessness and lack of choice to take such decision and end up where we are today. These decisions are those that we take despite our inner self is continuously advising against either by way of various feelings, or some obvious signs such as negative vibes. The temptation is so much that we behave as if never observed any sign & suppress our inner voice, ignore other's advice and take that tingling wrong decision.

In such cases, self victimization starts after Guilt. We initially do it just to justify ourselves in front of people not realizing that the mind, once it masters any task, keeps generating the same thing over and over again, and of course the universe comes to its help to ensure we sympathize more, we feel guilt more which would result in more justification and more self pity and eventually we start believing we were a victim of circumstances and the vicious circle never stops.

Guilt is a fake impression that we carry to justify our decision proved wrong just to escape judgments which eventually becomes a strong belief and the Soul carries it till we learn the lesson of taking responsibility of our actions, till we learn to listen to our inner voice, till we have true faith.

There is another scenario when we carry guilt of having created painful circumstances for our near and dear ones because of a very practical decision taken at a point of time in a particular situation. We carry guilt because of our ignorance. In this case guilt happens because of too much attachment, our sight limited to the physical world and unaware of the fact that every Soul has its own plan. Nothing happens without reason. The decision was taken with good intention for the betterment of all to the best of capability however it did not turn out to be as we planned. Every other person has a different plan and has to go through certain situations to learn lessons. We fail to understand that the decision taken was as per our limited knowledge and in line with our own journey. We cannot live the life of others as we do not know what their journey is all about and why did they chose to be in a situation where something had to go wrong. Here again as you see, guilt is a false emotion, it happens due to lack of knowledge and too much attachment.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Why do I feel sadness?

A client  said Dr Vandana I feel my life is not normal. There is sadness inside me.  I want to experience my past life. 


I am 18 year old girl standing near a well talking to a tall boy working in field. I am very happy talking to him but my mother does not like him. He is poor. She abuses him.  

I am in my home. The boy came to meet me and went back. I am wearing a colourful dress and Jewellery. I am looking beautiful. My mother is getting me married to someone.  The boy is wearing turban. We are going to his home after marriage. It is very far. My husband is a good person but I did not want to marry him. My mother in law is not good. Now I have a girl child. I am feeling good. I do not talk much with my husband.  I always remember that poor boy. My daughter is seven years old.  I told my husband I want to go to meet my mother. He agreed. I went to my village.

Next day I went to the well where I used to meet the boy. He is not there. The villagers told me he died. I felt very bad and sat under the tree near the well.  After sometime, I am again going to the well. I jumped into the well. I am floating in the well. My eyes are open. I am sinking. I am dead. 

Next day villagers took my body out of the well. My mother and husband are sad. My daughter is crying. I am cremated. My mother and daughter are same in the present life.  My last thought was that now I will meet him.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Past life story Chandigarh..Contact.9872880634

 The subject has a sense of belonging to old Forts and recurrent dream of jumping off the cliff linked to his Past life.


It is Jaisalmer in the year 1868.  My mother calls me Bhanu Pratap. I am 20 years. My father has fixed my marriage with Senapati’s daughter. My mother is happy. I am getting married.  I feel my married life is not good. My wife does not sleep with me. It seems she loves someone else. We do not have children even after five years of my marriage.

I am 35 and going all alone somewhere. I reach a Guffa and enter inside. I am digging. I bury something. I ride back to the palace. 

I am walking in the dimly lit corridor in the palace. I reach near the room at the end of corridor. My wife is lying in an intimate position with a man. They are speaking to each other and laughing. I feel bad and am hurt. I return back.

I gag my wife and drag her down the stairs to the pond. I drown her in water. I killed her. I spent whole night near the pond. Next morning I tie that man with rope and drag him to the jungle. I am very angry. I left him badly injured in the jungle. I now climb up the hill and reach the cliff. I jump of the cliff and fall to the ground hitting many trees on the way. My left palm is badly injured. My head hit the ground. I am hurt badly and bleeding. I die. Lesson learnt; One cannot get love by force. Patience is required.


Doctor Raghuvanshi, I need to have patience in current life also and now I will work on developing patience in life. I have a birth mark on my left palm.

Friday, September 11, 2020

A person at war with own thoughts, mind says something but heart wants something different, is not satisfied, happy & at peace thus drifts away, feels disrespected, misused & hurt. The importance of self-esteem, life goal, family, values, peace of mind and unique identity for an individual defines his/her indulgence in self-love & self-care. Look deep within the person, love their purity, lovely gestures, genuineness and kindness, one day you shall find what you are looking for. Try to build a future fighting against all odds together keeping faith in each other and prosper. The loyalty and understanding, sparing time for each other, providing lots of care & unconditional love, mutual respect, sincere discussion & resolving issues together develops bond for longevity the basis of healthy relationship.


Past life regression session can help you to understand your soul journey and May be when you understand the past life link with the person who gave you hurt in this life and the reason behind it ...then you can forgive... Forgiveness is about letting go. When something happens to anyone, the anger & pain which we hold is not because of what the other person has done it’s because of the pain which is caused inside us. If you do not let the pain go, you keep going through same pain again & again. Forgiveness is not about forgiving someone else, it’s about setting yourself free from that pain so that you can move on. We all go through many things in life which bring pain. We can hold people/situations/God accountable for same & same way others hold us responsible for their pain. We need to rise above both to move ahead in life & evolve as a happier and better person.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

The biggest confusion for people who get into spirituality is with regards to their “Ego”. It’s common for spiritual people to consider Ego as negative; but in truth, it’s not Ego that’s negative but thoughts based in fear that are negative. Ego is Ego; it’s not negative or positive. What you “think” determines whether you are aligning with negative or positive.


Break your Karmic Pattern in relationship issues with help of Past Life regression session... Read somewhere , like to share... A beautiful explanation on Karmic relationship - The relationship that drives people crazy with anger and frustration are from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin and exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family. Karmic relationships mean that you’ve had prior lifetimes with this person, and you both were sent back to be together to work things out peacefully. This was your soul’s choice, although it was probably highly pushed upon you by your guides and angels who helped you script out much of your life. Usually a karmic relationship is someone with whom you had a battle or other harsh circumstances. You returned together in this lifetime to ensure that you’d work things out, and clear both of your energies. If you don’t clear the energies in this lifetime, you’ll be pressured to continue to incarnate with this soul again and again and again. And each lifetime, his or her relationship to you will continue to be close, either through genetics and familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be your mother or husband next lifetime unless you clear the energy with her in this one. You’re brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him or her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions. It means detoxing your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic and unhealthful. It’s also a waste of time and energy to blame that person for family dramas and your own upset. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows and ego issues, and we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him or her doesn’t help the situation and doesn’t balance the karma between you. Breaking the Karmic Cycle The first step to break this karmic cycle is for you to take responsibility for its presence in your life. Your soul agreed to be with this person because it was necessary for your spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time. This involves forgiving yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifeti


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Feeling of Love and past life link A young dentist came to me to find who is he to me for whom I feel very strong about. I want to know whether we lived together in my past life. Session... I am walking down the lawn of a palace towards a man. We are hugging each other. We are in our 20s. We are wearing Mughal style clothes. We are husband and wife. We came to our palace. It is beautiful. There is a fountain made of marble. We are so much in love. He is the same man for whom I have so much strong feelings in my present life. We have kids. We spend a lot of time together. Kids are growing up. I don’t want to leave him alone. He is in so much pain. I want to stay with him. I am 30. He is besides me. He is everything to me. I delivered a child. I am loosing energy. I am dying. I am no more. My last thought was I want to live with him. I am buried. I am moving towards light. I am feeling good in light. I also feel I have another life with him. I am a teenage girl living with my parents. We belong to Hunja community. I love someone. He is the same man who is in my present life. My parents learnt about it. They shut me in a room and killed me. My last thought was life is unfair. I want to come back and live with him. Now I am taking rest and receiving some Guidance. Reorientation... Doctor! I met him first time in eighth class and thought came that he is my husband. Then our lives were separated and we both got married. After so many years when I met him again I still have same feelings for him.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

It is natural for a human to get influenced by those who impress him/her. Each of us is unique hence one must focus on identifying his/her own uniqueness rather than develop an inferiority complex.  Do not blindly try to be like them and compete with them. Be completely yourself, laugh at self and live a life suiting your sensibilities because what you have inside (the compassion, the gratitude, the delight & happiness at others achievement) is what matters.  Self confidence helps you face successfully an adverse situation beyond your control.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Past life with good karmas A client came for past life regression session and told Dr Vandana, I want to experience my past life with good karmas that is linked to my present life. Session...... I am in a big building. It is a Metropolitan city. I am alone, very modern, wearing stylish overcoat. My apartment is furnished well. I am wearing a cap and sitting in balcony sipping coffee. It is dinner time now. I am sitting alone at the dining table. Someone is serving me meals. I am very happy and satisfied. I am thinking about my childhood. I am the only child from a happy family. I am well educated. I don’t feel the need for company of a guy and marriage. I don’t have any responsibility and botheration. I am very studious and rich. I am a professor. I am teaching huge crowd in an auditorium. I am confident. I am 35 very fair, have curly hair and always wear a hat. I also educate poor, drunken and addicts. I have affection for them. I know they want to learn. I am attending an international seminar on de-addiction. I am standing with high class delegation. I am wearing grey overcoat today. I feel I am very tall. I am wearing a pearl necklace. I am admired by all. I am a very important woman here. I came here to deliver a lecture. I feel very satisfied. My life goes on helping people and living for a cause. I am very independent. In my apartment I have a wall full of beautiful and good books. Now I am old, satisfied and looks smart. I died while sleeping. There was no one around but I am happy. In my life I was a knowledgeable educated woman who helped others. I was people’s person. People adored me. My good karma was teaching people and helping addicts. The lesson I learnt is devote self to people. In the end my mind was very happy and peaceful. Lot of people attended my burial. They are respectful. My name was Rose. It is 1851. I am going towards light. In light I see my father. He is proud of me (visibly cried a lot). My father tells me to gain more knowledge and help people in this life also. I am receiving guidance from Masters, be confident, shine, help women and be good to own self.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

PLR Chandigarh

Surrogate past life regression session...... A girl volunteered past life regression session for her sister. This session was for understanding the hurdle in the marriage of her sister. PLR Session...... There is a small house. A 15 year old girl is talking to a boy. This house is in the forest area. There is a small market. It seems very old times. It is night. She is entering the house. She lives with her mother. Her brother is beating her because she does not help them in any work. She is crying. She is my sister in present life. Next morning, she goes to the boy again and spends time with him. They love taking to each other. The boy works in a shop in the market. This boy is my sister’s boy friend in present life. Time goes on like this. One day she left the home and went to the boy in the shop. He is very upset that she has left her home. The boy has a horse. Both of them left the village on the horse. They started living as husband-wife at a new place. This place is much smaller than her home. They live in a small room. Now boy started working somewhere. After long time her mother found out and came to meet them. They did not talk to her. Her mother is crying. After sometime they have a kid. Now they are grown up and kid is grown up too. One day her husband died. Now when she is alone she always thinks about her mother. She died alone thinking about her mother. She wanted to ask her mother to forgive her. Her past life mother is her boy friend’s mother in present life. She is not giving permission for their marriage.

Trust issue , Headache and Past life Link…Session written and shared by subject who regressed…. Session I saw myself in a very green place with wooden houses. I was wearing some clothing that looked very rough and un kept. I realized it was a very old time sometime in 1700s. I was in Ireland. A male life. I had a humble wooden hut, some farmland which was very small and i had two horses. There were civil wars happening, i could sense disturbance and a lack of friendliness in everyone, everyone was scared of being open to communication, many houses were raided and people were being removed from their homes , their lands were confiscated , it was a time of trouble . I knew i had a family but i was always so busy with other men discussing the day today life as we were always alarmed, armed and had to protect the family. Everyone had decided that i would be the spokesperson of the area we lived so that we could reach a compromise and settle the issue without any bloodshed. I could see flashes of houses being on fire, killing & cruelty. Next i saw was that I was in green fields and there was a cliff where i was to meet a man from the other neighboring village and we were to negotiate and talk so that we could have peace amongst our two villages and unite. I was waiting at the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea wondering how beautiful it would have been to go back to old times when everyone lived in peace. At this point i was unable to regress further , Dr.Vandana asked me to look from above, I realized that i was no more alive and i was looking from above at myself being drowned in the sea. I was pushed into the cold waters , it was near sunset when i was pushed off the cliff and into the sea, I did not really drown in the real sense as i was a good swimmer, the water was so cold that the shock of cold water made my heart stop beating. I don’t know how can that death be described but it was the shock of being pushed off the cliff combined the freezing cold water that killed me. I was finding difficulty to move above , i had no strength and was feeling heavy . I had a very severe pain in my head , at the back of my head due to which i was finding difficulty in moving up. Dr.Vandana helped me reach the white light and help me rest , I told Dr.Vadana that my lesson was “never to trust anyone”. I tried to recognize the person who had killed me and I could see eyes who were very familiar, I knew who he was. I also had seen that i had hit my head to an edge of a stone or a part of the cliff while falling and i had got a head injury due to which i had such a severe headache. I was going through too much pain and agony, I saw my soul mates and also the master light , had a brief blessing from the master light which helped me in resting and getting relief from my pain . Re-Orientation… Dr.Raghuvanshi, Now that I think of the trust issue I have had in my relationships I see it has always been very deep , there are many more people who go through bad relations or have problems with friends but no one had become so extremely cautious as i was. I had recognized the flaw in me and i was doing my best to causing some part of my loneliness. I am glad that i regressed to this life as past life therapy helps you , re live and re experience all the pain and trauma and then it releases the issue for good, once you identify an issue in a past life session you release that pain and this therapy brings an understanding that this was a matter of the past and it is not going to happen again as a result we stop repeating our fear and we stop sending the universe the wrong signals. Thank you Doctor !!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A past life regression session report from my PLR cases.... My Self is evaporated. I am stuck in my present life, why ? Case: A lady doctor, 36 married came up with the above lines. The relationship with father in present life wasn’t cordial since the beginning. Husband is a good man and earns well but I couldn’t connect with him since the starting of the marriage. She has constant feelings of sadness together with anger. Regression: She regresses to a life in the year of 1920, as a young girl from a well to do family where she was loved by her father more than younger brother. The father was murdered when she was around the age of 6-7 years, in front of whole family. After this event soon they had to shift to a very small place to live and face scarcity of money. Her brother was caught up into bad company. At the age of 18-20 years she was married to a 65 year old man for three (3) gold coins. She correctly and clearly visualized those gold coins. The old man had an old wife living in a big single room far away . Both of them were sick and died within the time span of 6 months. She was totally isolated and stuck in the house for 15 years and never come out. Then after 15 years her brother came to meet her and realized that she wasn’t able to connect. Her brother noticed that there was an emotional blankness in her and went away soon. She died living alone at the age of 34 years. When she was being buried her brother was there. Soon everyone dispersed but her brother was still sitting with his head bowed down in agony. It was raining heavily and she experienced herself sitting near her brother, seeing him, after she was buried. She couldn’t forgive him because he didn’t stand by her when she needed him the most. A lot of healing work was done only then she was able to move up. In LBL (Life between Lives): Master light came (orange color) and healed her for a long time. Guidance given was: 1) Have faith 2) Don’t get angry 3) Forgive Re-Orientation: 1) She felt that she was stuck up at only one place for 15 years, this feeling was very intensely felt by her. 2) Self is evaporated-this feeling corresponds to a long hollow in past life. 3) Brother in past life is father in present life. She felt this harmony in relationship since childhood. Note... A marked changes for good in herself and her life within one and half month after regression

Monday, July 20, 2020

Fear of men and resistance to men – why ? A 32 year old strongly built and obese since childhood, married woman came for past life regression session to understand why she fears men and resist them. Session……. It is a village. I am a small girl. He is beating me (ooon-----jerk). He is hitting my lower abdomen. He is beating and beating. I would have hit back hard had I been strong enough. Now I am twisting my arms and somehow I could free myself from his hold. He is my father. I am running away. Few villagers are running after me. I reach the end of a hill. There is a river flowing below. I am falling down into the river. There is lot of fear and pain in my body. I am drowned. I am dead. My last thought was “only if I could have been strong enough”, God should make me strong now. Lesson learnt; one should not tolerate. I died due to suffocation. My body is bloated (had a beautiful body when I was alive). She told I will not forgive him. I will beat him. She started hitting his father. She was guided to release all the hatred and understand why he beat her. She told he wanted a son but I was a daughter. Ha ha ha ! he is my mother in this life. She had a son who died when I was born. Her guardian angel took her to the light. Master light guided her for present life; do not be attached to anyone, live your own life, do not hate, remain detached and work for your own spiritual progress. Reorientation…. My mother is same. She used to beat me. I was very afraid of her in childhood. I am afraid of water. My both arms and lower abdomen pain so much that at times I am unable to get up. Now I understand why I am so heavily built. I do not tolerate anything. I fight back. In the end she said, Thank you Doctor Vandana! I could find an answer I was looking for.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Fear of losing loved one. A young person came with fear of losing close one and issue of insecurities. Session.... I am in a sandy & bushy open area. Few men & women are filing drinking water. I am a man going towards my mud hut. It is a small hut and I live with wife and two kids. We sleep on floor. Life is fine despite being poor. I am almost 30, my married life is good. My wife wears saree. It is morning; I am picking some tool and going out. There are four more men from my neighbour with me. It is very hot and we are wearing dhoti only. We reach at a farm. We work here. We sow vegetables. We take our lunch in the fields. We all are worried. All of us are discussing the problem due to weather. There is no rain. Water scarcity is too much. Even there is scarcity of drinking water. Some more time passed. Now there is no work and no drinking water. All are leaving the village. We are walking by foot. My kids are young 5 & 7 yrs old respectively. We are in search of water. After many days we reach a place. There is a well with water. There is enough open space around the well. We all drink water and sleep there in the open. This is very old time. This place belongs to another king. Next day king’s men came and all the men are going with them. Women and children stay near the well. We are climbing a small hill to reach the palace. King listens to us and allows us to make huts and stay around well. We came back. We all are making small huts for us. Most of us cook outside the hut. Now we work in the fields of people from here. We get sufficient food for the family. I am now 40 year old. My wife is very sick. She is lying outside hut and having pain in abdomen. She is writhing in pain. We all are watching her. Women are holding her. She died. I am crying. I am worried. Now I have to raise the kids alone. We cremated her outside the village. Her name was Sheetal. Now other women help my kids. My daughter now cooks food. Life is moving on. My daughter is grown up. Everyone is telling me to get her married. I married her in another village. I have grey hair now. I remember my wife. Now only my son is with me. I am not able to work. There is some problem in my right hand. My son is married and left along with his wife for some other village. I tried to stop him but he did not agree. I felt very bad. I keep on sitting outside the hut. The neighbours give me something to eat. My right hand problem is worsening. I died in the day sitting outside the hut at the age of 70. I was remembering my wife at the time of death. I was sad. In my life everybody helped me. My neighbours are cremating me outside the village. Now I am in light and at peace.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Dog Phobia, Convulsions linked to Past life dog bite & Head Injuries Subject: 17 year old boy, dog phobia since childhood, history of convulsions, MRI and EEG report normal still had anti-epileptic treatment. headache on and off, Recurrent throat and chest infection. Crackling sound in the knees had past life regression. Session: On Screening: Red spots on the knees and dirty yellow patch in the throat area. Divine light helped in releasing. Regression: I am a boy 10 years of age running in a street. Mob is running. It seems riots are taking place. A dog suddenly bites me. (Subject in agony and pain) [Healing done]. I fell down, hit my head and injured my chest. I am in a hospital. I am coughing. I am having fever and chest infection. I am dying due to this problem. I am sad. My wife and son are left alone. I am a light going up and now I am in a very big white light. It is very peaceful and pleasant here. I am allowed to stay here. Silence…………………… (Pause) I am very small baby boy. I took birth in Australia. My father is holding me in his arms. Accidentally I slip and I fell down the stairs onto the floor. My head hits the floor and I am dead. I am going up into the same white light and rested there only for few days as I have to live my life. I am in my present father’s arms. I am a new born baby boy. Re-Orientation: 1) He felt something moving out from knees and throat. 2) Subject smiled and said he enjoyed the session. History of convulsions in childhood (with normal MRI and EEG) maybe result of head injuries in both the past lives. 3) Dog phobia because of dog bite in past life.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A recollection of past life regression at Dr. Raghuvanshi’s Clinic. I am going to share one of the most amazing experiences of my life which changed my understanding of relationships and made me a better, calmer receiver of the universal energies. I am a student of psychology myself and always believed in life after death and re birth. I am educated but deep inside I always had this curiosity to know about past lives. I feel there is lot more to feel, learn and teach. Thanks to my liberal family and especially to my father who was a very learned person. I was free to express and pursue what I wanted. Despite being born to parents, one of whom is religious and the other atheist, I believed in this supreme power and followed a faith which I still cannot name. My life pattern, personal traits combined with my passion and desire to know more made me even more determined to read about life after birth, re birth and many more similar subjects. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. Life also started getting tougher & tougher and so did the insecurities. I always met people who required my help and somehow I end up doing everything for them on my own. My relationships did not last more than 3-4 years despite putting in maybe 100%. I had this weird dream about my father that would wake me up in tears and shaken. I kept travelling back to India despite my dislike. Something kept pulling me back to India. The queries “WHY AM I THE ONE TO SUFFER, WHY WAS I ALWAYS ALONE NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRIED TO MAKE EVERY ONE HAPPY, WHAT WRONG DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS ?” grew bigger and bigger in my mind. Session 1: I jumped 4 lives in the first session that explained my restlessness in present life, my soul had never rested after departing in each life. It was always in search of a better life and a better home which never happened. I got the answer to the weird dream about my dad as he happened to be my lover in one of my lives who left me and never came back. I could relate most people in the session to people in my current life. It was amazing. In one of the lives I was subject to abuse by a man of a particular belief (shall not name) which explained my immense dislike for men of that belief. He hurt me and in an incident my shoulder had got dislocated [felt the same intense pain during the session] My father had refused to take me home after my mother died during child birth. I landed at an orphanage home where I was subject to child abuse for over three and half years. The abuse forced me to run away from there and that maybe one of the reasons why my relations break. I am the one who wants to run away from the relation after I have permitted mental and emotional abuse. Ending a relation is more of a celebration for me. I have always felt and been lonely as those around me thought I am tough and strong enough to handle it. I got the answer to this question too. In all the 4 lives I jumped, I was always alone waiting, never ending wait for my family/husband / lover or someone to come and rescue me. I also got the answer why do I keep coming back to India, I was an Indian in 3 of my lives, two births in Rajasthan and one in Punjab where I died and my cremation was as per Hindu mythology. The most important lesson I had learnt was “Men are not trustworthy. They always use and abuse you and then leave” which explained why I always met the wrong people as that were the vibes I was sending to the universe all this while and universe was working to make me meet untrustworthy men . I was shaken. By the grace of GOD this insight has taught me not to feel like a victim. Now I know the root cause and all I have to do is to completely uproot it. Session 2: I was an 11 year old boy (my present life nephew) and alone, waiting for family members to come back home. Eventually everyone returned home but I still felt alone. I had a step mother and a step brother whom I loved but we were disconnected. My step mother was holding me by the elbows, shaking me and asking me to leave the house. [felt pain in the elbows]. Eventually they left as she had insecurities and could not stay any more. I could relate them to my present life mother and elder brother. I could sense myself to be between 17-19 yrs, had cut my left wrist and bled to death. Now I was a bright light watching my dad from above who was all alone. I was no more in the house. The amazing part about these sessions is that one can immediately relate the events to present life and re experience and re live those moments, one feels the physical pain and cries in painful events, and gets immediate answers to many questions or maybe better called mysteries. I remember I always felt I was a step child to my mom and after the second session I knew why that feeling was always bothering me. I also realized why there was a disconnect between my elder brother and me, two reasons : One He was a step brother in my previous life who left with his mother and never met me again and Second due to his speech problem which he has even in present life, we could never talk. Now I know the speech problem of my step brother was due to the fall he had on his first birthday and not by birth and so is the same in the present life. The incidents were different but in both lives it happened around the time of his 1st birthday and in both lives it damaged the tongue due to which he could not speak. I forgave my dad and mom. I learnt “PEACE COMES FROM FORGIVENESS”. I experienced peace, hope and happiness after forgiving my father and my step mother. I felt blessed when I healed my brother. The experience has changed the way I see relationships now and in fact the way I see life now. I now know my purpose of life. I am now sure to find the way to achieve what I am supposed to.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Feeling confused about life ----I have a feeling that my father, who died a year back, wants me to do something. A 34 year old married woman came to me and said Dr. Vandana, I am confused about my life as I have a feeling that my father, who was a cancer patient and expired a year back, is around me and is in pain. It has been a year that I constantly feel uncomfortable because of this. Doctor, I want your help to resolve this issue. In this life I cannot trust people. Session I am walking on a kutcha dirt road that ends at the wooden gate of the house. I am a woman inside the home. This house is big. The stairs are going up. There is a room there. An old couple is sitting in the room. There is another room. A couple is inside the room. They have two kids with them. It is night time I am sleeping on a cot in the kitchen. My dress is Rajasthani. It is day time. I am cooking food and serving them. The young couple is taking meals. Now it is afternoon I am working in field. Everyone is working in the field. We are happy. In night again I cook food and sleep in kitchen. We packed everything and left for somewhere in a cart. I am feeling sad. I do not have parents. The old couple kept me with them since I was 16 years of age. They are talking about me. It seems we came very far. The old couple is now talking to a young man. They got me married to him in a very short ceremony. They left me with my husband. I am happy. Now I have a child. Our life is normal. My name is Veero. I call my son Sukha. Now my son is a young man. I feel things are not fine in our area. I am worried about my son. One day lot of riots take place in this area. My son went out and I ran after him. They killed him with a sword in front of me. He is just 21 years of age. We both are very sad now. We are just living for living. I died at the age of 60. My body was cremated by my husband. My last thought was I have lost trust in life. But lesson I learnt was to be kind and forgive. Guided towards the light master light came and asked her to help her father. With the guidance of light the gall bladder area was cleaned and healed. Now after that she felt presence of her father’s higher self and told her that now I am free and he said now he is going in light. She also received a message that when you find time donate grains and throw flowers in Ganges at Hardwar. Master light told you don’t need to panic in any situation in present life. Live peacefully. Reorientation… Dr Vandana, my father had gall bladder carcinoma. In light I felt I am inside energy body of my father and my energy hands are removing blockages from that area that was causing pain to him. Thank you so much for miraculous work and helping me release departed soul of my father to light. God Bless !!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Cause and Effect #Karmic Link ~Why I have a daughter with autism/ Asperger? Why my relationship with husband is so difficult? What is the purpose of my life? A 42 year woman, with these queries, came to know the reason of her extreme sufferings. Session….. It is a beautiful small English house surrounded by trees. My parents and 4-5 kids are sitting in a room. All are talking. I am a girl wearing frock. I am a young woman in a Church. It is my wedding. The groom is along with a six year old boy, his son. After marriage, I came to a big home with lot of wooden work. My husband is a very important person, always busy, not bothered about me. Lots of people have gathered here. There is a party. The boy calls me mom. It is his birthday celebrations. I am attending everybody. My husband is not present. It is very lonely life, just taking care of boy and home. Now I am holding a small girl child in my hands. The boy is of 1o years now, very happy, jumping around. I am feeling little happy but I do not like the boy. He is not my son. He hurts my daughter. I want to protect her. I want him to go away (started crying). My daughter is grown up but it seems I am around her all the time as something is wrong with her. I always worry about her. She is tall now. It seems she has the similar type of disorder—Autism/Asperger. I teach her to play piano. Boy is not at home. Three of us, my husband, my daughter and me are here. I did not allow him to live with us. He is growing up at some other place. I am pregnant again. I am 40 now. I have lot of health problems. I have severe breathing difficulty. My husband and daughter are present near me. I think I am at full term. I am sinking, feeling numb, feel no pain anywhere. I am no more. There is lot of sadness that I did not give birth to child. My last thought was about my daughter and that I should have loved boy. I am buried, it is 1859. My name is Mary. Guided to light, the master light came, when she asked what is the purpose of my current life ? The answer came - love everybody, selfless love. In that life you did not love the boy so in this life you have to learn unconditional love. The husband and daughter are my current life husband and daughter also, more difficult to live with. As a past life regression therapist again I witnessed karmic link affecting present life so much, We must sow all the seeds in our life with love.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Past Life Regression for Decreased Self-Confidence and Relationship Issue A 40 years woman, married for 18 years with 2 kids with severe relationship turmoil with since 5 years due to extra marital affair of husband. One of her other complain was of very low self- confidence and low self –esteem, losing weight , insomnia, feeling of fear and gynae problems regarding health. On Regression: It is 1800 time period and I am girl and my name is Meena and I am residing in Punjab area. My father is holding me, I feel good as he is making me understand some facts about life. Now my age is 21 years wearing a colorful dress, I am getting married to a good looking Punjabi boy. (Smiling at me, recognizing present life husband). I have reached at home of the in-laws after marriage. I am a little confused; an old lady is blocking my way. She is very rude, dominating. She is my mother in law. I have a very loving relation with my husband and I am very happy. I have given birth to a boy. Life is good. My child has grown up. I am busy in my family work. Now few years have passed, I am almost 30. I am not feeling happiness in family. It is my sickness; something to do with my gynae problem. I get tired soon, feeling depressed. I feel very lonely. I and my husband are not talks due to my bad health. My husband is worried about me. I look very old suddenly and I am not able to cope up with things. My mother in law is upset as I don’t work at home. My husband went to someplace, there is a girl trying to seduce him. She is not of good moral values. My husband is not able to control and now he is with that lady (she recognized her in present life). Now my husband is not around me. In absence of my husband my mother in law is pulling me, dragging me, taking me somewhere and left me in a different place. I have become a mental patient. After that my husband came and my son told all this after which he got annoyed and he took me to home. He is taking care of me. The lady got very angry. Now he is always taking care of me. I see a young newly -wed girl, she is my daughter in law. I died at the age of 92. I am cremated by Hindu rituals. My husband is old. He touched my head. When he was questioned whether how was life; he remained quiet. Lesson Learnt: You should be happy whatever you do or think. After Regression: After 3 Weeks: 1) My self-confidence is back. 2) I am happy 3) I am finding improvement in my relation with my husband. 4) My outlook is very positive now. 5) Feeling of belonging and enthusiasm for life has come back.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Why I need to find love? Why I cannot find love in this life? Session….. There is a home. I am alone sleeping on a bed. I am wearing 18th century dress, a white skirt. There is fire place and bed is comfortable. There is a rug next to my bed. I see a servant girl sleeping there. It is morning. I am having breakfast with my son. He is going to for some work. I am preparing for a dinner party. The home is big and ancient. There is lot of wine roasted meat and vegetables. It is some cold country. I am very happy as my husband is also here. He works at some other place. He brought me flowers. He visits us on holidays. After party we went to the room. He talks a lot. We are happy. Next day, he is leaving. I am depressed. I feel very alone. My husband says he will work for few years more. I started feeling things will not change. I told him not to go but he said that this was your idea. We decided that I will go and work and you will stay back as staying in big city is expensive for us. My name is Catherine. I am sitting all alone. My son went for the work. Today I am very depressed and thinking about my life. I am from a rich family. My husband came to our home for house hold work. He was simple and good. I liked him and wanted to marry him. My mother did not approve of our marriage but when I forced she agreed. I was 18 and it was simple church marriage. Later on my mother always blamed herself for saying yes to my marriage. My husband loves me but I am very unhappy due to present circumstances. Today I am alone in this home. It is afternoon. No one is there. I took a knife and cut my wrist. I am in my late 30s. My life was comfortable but empty. I was sad to leave my son behind and not able to change circumstances. My last thought was that my life and death both are pointless. Before going to light the lesson I learnt that do not focus on what is not there but focus on what you have. I am feeling that my husband is sad and angry with me at the time of my burial. The son is my present life daughter. Now I also have a feel that I did not value the love. I should have valued my husband’s love for me. I lacked the patience. Now I am in light I feel tremendous peace.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

A 28 year old unmarried girl and feeling low, a lot of load and heaviness on chest and gets angry very soon, forgetfulness, not able to cope up with stress, too much insecure for relationship, misses her mother too much. Father expired when she was 5 years old, mother expired 1 year ago, brother living in another country. Medical Health: PCOD, acne, knee pain. Dream and Phobia: snakes in dream and fear of snakes. Visualization of man with horns in dreams when something bad going to happen. Regression: On scanning on knee gray and blackness- released, black patches in abdomen-released, blackness in heart area, inside the blackness a big hole, mother is sitting there and worried about me. Subject started crying and didn’t want to release her mother. After counseling for both of them mother blessed her and went up. Session: It’s a big home. I am wearing a blue floral skirt and playing with my sister in Ireland. Now I am 21 years, married going to attend some function with my husband and son in a vintage car. There is an accident. Both of them died. My sister came and took me to my parent’s home. (She is present life mother). My parents are no more. I am staying here and it feels very lonely (a long description of life). I am old, wearing a floral print, sitting on a rocking chair. A snake came and coiled on my feet. I think snake will bite me. I get faint then and there. My sister’s son came and picked me carrying to the hospital. I am in bed in hospital having acute chest pain. I think I am having a heart attack. I am dead. My sister is near me. Lesson Learnt: One must have own family. In LBL- guidance from the master: Be positive More love u give same amount you receive I am moving from the light. Now I am in my mothers’ womb. She eats a lot of sweets and apples. I am being born. My mother is asking doctors whether I am having all the toes or not. She is happy to see me. I am happy. Re-Orientation: I am feeling light. I felt tons of weight is lifted from my chest. I love floral prints and I used to tell my mother that one day I’ll visit Ireland. I am very fearful in this life that I’ll be alone in life, hopefully release this part. Snake was really coiled on leg but he wasn’t poisonous. I got a heart attack due to fear. After my mom’s death I was behaving differently. I hope my mother will rest in peace now. Discussion after 1 month: There is no cry, no anger, not feeling low, no dream of snake, no burden on chest. I am sleeping good, physically energetic, improved memory; I am engaged, getting married next month. I am confident that I have a happy life ahead. Past Life Regression is a wonderful Therapy. I thank Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi to bring so much positive changes in my life.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Past life experience of an Army Captain having tendency for injuries on the right side and feels it a hindrance to achieve his main goal in life. Session…….. I am a boy standing outside my home. A British soldier on a horse back hits me on my right side. My right shoulder, hand and knee are badly wounded. I run inside my home. My mother tends to my wounds and my younger sister is watching. My father works against British rule. I am growing up. The wound on my right knee does not heal and is getting worse. It pains on and off to the extent of becoming a habit to endure the pain. I get good education, work from home and meet many people. Now I am a prominent person working against British rule. My father now works more aggressively against the British. Both of us have same aim but differ in our approach to goal. I am married and love my wife. (I recognize her in my present life). I do not plan to have kids because of the type of work I am engaged in. My father leads a group of revolutionaries. He is attacked. I reach there. He is lying on the ground and does not respond. He is dead. The British soldiers crush my feet, right side of the body under their boots. I am not able to stand. People help me reach home. My father is being cremated. It takes long time for me to heal and feel better. I leave my home to work at a big level. We are a small group gathered at some isolated area. We are now more aggressive revolutionaries. We make bombs and throw them at the British. We live in secluded places away from home. We do not harm our people. We are now known public figures. They locate and surround us. We are captured and taken somewhere to lock us up. They torture us and do not provide enough food. We are not bothered. They tie our hands at the back and take us somewhere away from public. They shoot us one by one and we fall on to the ground smiling. I am happy. My right knee still hurts. I am lying on the ground and have a smile on my face. I die happily. I sacrificed my life for the independence of my country.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

This past life regression and LBL [ Life between lives ]was conducted on Skype…..session is shared by subject herself with all of you… Hi Everyone , I am back with yet another beautiful experience. There were a lot of issues and problem that have been going on in my life since the age of 5 and life only got more and more tough and complicated as i grew up. By the age of 17 when every person is at its best time and enjoying life, making more friends , being ambitious my real struggle for life started. The relationship with my father was no more good as i was a person who would never bend in front of injustice and wrong doings hence not approving him which resulted in financial struggle and a lot more. When i meet Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi in Oct 2011, it was the time that i was on the verge of a breakdown, and all that i knew was i had done nothing , absolutely nothing to deserve the life i was going through. My past life regression unfolded many connections, many questions were answered, many worries ended and yet my never ending life surprises would take me by another blow. . I had cried all day, tired, exhausted and on the verge of giving up, as soon as i saw Dr.Vandana i told her that i wanted to know why did I choose such a difficult life,( as we know every soul chooses its life pattern and the people in his life) , so what i wanted to know was why did i choose such a difficult life. We started our session on skype…….as I lives in Canada .. We started the session with a new pattern, i was apprehensive that i was not emotionally stable and also i was physically exhausted so maybe i would not be able to regress , but as ... Dr.Vandana asked me to open door, it took me time to open the door as it was very heavy and i had to use all my strenght to open the door. The room was dark and after some instructions it became lighter and now i could see the room, it was a room in grey color, walls and even the floor was in grey stones, I could see my grand father on a wheelchair . I was a 1 year old girl with curly golden hair, i was playing with some dolls, small hand made ones and i saw that my father , a tall dark man who happens to be my father in present life picked me up and was playing with me. I knew he was my father but still i felt i am being held by a stranger, since it was the first time i was seeing my father after i was born. My mother who was wearing everything in black came and next i knew was that i was crawling and crying looking for a safe shelter, it was because my parents were arguing , my mother asked my father to leave and she did not want to see him ever again, she was upset that he had disappeared before i was born and never bothered to come & look after us. And during his absence there were a lot of financial problems which made my mother do two jobs to be able to take care of her father and me. She also lost her mother to whom she was attached the most. I grew up, i was a brilliant student and a favorite of teachers, it was at the age of 19 that i joined the church and i chose to be a nun. Soon i was recognized as i was a very devoted person and by the age of 35 I was called Mother Ann. My mother came to see me twice, but it was very strange i was a very detached person, despite knowing she was alone and needed me i felt I belonged to the church, i had to serve Jesus. It was St.Marry’s church somewhere in Romania. The second time she came to see me , she was crying and begging me to go back and live with her and i felt no emotions, i was totally detached (now that i am writing this and remembering the scene my heart is aching ), i felt nothing and i refused to go with her, i wanted to serve Jesus. Next important event was when my mother passed away, i was the one saying the prayers at her grave and it was then that i was shaken , my belief in me and what i was doing shook, it was difficult to finish the prayers but i did complete the prayer as everyone there was looking upto me. I was their mentor , their role model.( I realized serving family and loved ones was our foremost duty even more important than serving Jesus, i realized relationships and families were very important in our soul print and maybe this is the reason why one of my fears in this life is losing my mother when i am not around or that of her falling sick and i would not be there to take care of her) I saw two more scenes, one was that i was unwell, as if it was the first time i had fallen sick in that life and there were younger nuns taking care of me and last scene was of my death, it was about 3 am and i knew the time has come, i got up from my bed and left my room, went to the main hall , i bowed and then kneeled down for prayer, i was seeking forgiveness for my behaviour with my mother and i prayed till last moment, then i saw my soul leaving my body exiting from my crown. I was asked what kind of a life it was and i answered an easy life, it had no purpose, I became a Nun and served the church because i found my comfort in it , because i never went out of my comfort zone to find out if i could do anything else, when i compared this life with my present life i reailzed the connection to this life is that i chose totally opposite life pattern, i would always go for challneges and have been looking for my purpose , I chose a very difficult life pattern that i have had no time to rest and have never been at ease. I waited there as i knew in a short while the nuns who come for preparing the hall for morning prayers wld discover my body. I was about 82 years old at the time of death. I was buried and my name read Mother Ann ( Anna Krista), i wa sburried in the same church. Before i moved up i wanted to meet my mother and seek forgiveness, i went to her but she was too upset with me , she was not ready to listen, and even after so much of effort it felt as if she said i have forgiven you but “don't you think its that easy and i can forget it”, she hugged me and gave me a half smile but i had to move , i could not wait anymore. I was a bright white light and reached the white light very fast , i did not want to rest and was ready for my next assignment, I saw master soul looking at me with a smile , a smile like a parent when he sees his child impatient for the game. dr.vandana guided me towards.....Light I went to the master soul for blessings, he gave me blessings, I was asked to see my planning chart and look around , since i have recognized my master soul, After i was filled with light, love and peace , dr.vandana guides me on the other side ...... I went there and i saw my chart, i saw my parents on the left corner above the chart, it felt as if their role had come to an end with this life and they were about to exit my life pattern. I saw my ex husband and two more men who have had a very major role in my life , my husband was smiling and the other two people , one was confused as to why did he have to be even there and the third man who has had a very major role in my life both good and bad he was looking at me as if he wanted some answers and he was still hopeful that i may consider his role . After seeing all these i was looking for my soulmate and the rest of soulmates but i saw no one and i went back to the master soul, i kneeled down with my hands folded and i asked him why did i choose such a difficult life , at this time i burst out into tears and i could not stop, he replied that you did not choose your chart, you told me what you wanted and i chose your chart for you. I looked at him and asked him then why did you make me suffer so much , i was begging him, he knew i was having no more strenght , and i was giving up, he said : “ YOU WANTED TO BE WITH YOUR SOUL MATE SO YOU HAD TO LEARN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A HIGHER PLANE AND EVOLVE SO YOU HAD TO CLEAR ALL YOUR KARMAS, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND BE A HEALER SO YOU HAD TO LEARN PATIENCE”, that is why i chose this chart for you. I stopped crying at this moment and asked him if my chart could be changed as I could no more go on like this, i told him i had no energy, i could not bear anymore pain and he told me he won’t change the chart, he told me you are very close to your life purpose and to have all that you have asked for so i won’t change your chart, the difficult part is over and the life you wanted is to begin and i can’t let you go through all these in another life, you need to complete all your exams and start the life you have asked for and that is very near, You can not give up. I started crying again and went back to my chart and this time i saw 2 of my soulmates, my brother and my soulmate, i realised my brother was there for my support and the time of being with soulmate was very close, i saw a date there. Then i was looking for a date for my healing clinic and other wishes i had and i saw a date for next year for my healing clinic too. I went back to the master soul to ask if i was meant to be healer then why is it that there are still issues and i have to wait another year , and i saw myself again at the counselor table , i knew it was because i needed to learn patience,to be more grateful and also got the impression that i have been having a tendency to forget my lessons from previous lives so it was to insured that before i was a healer with such a huge responsibility i had learnt all the lessons and i would remember them all and actually would be fit to be a good healer who could carry such a responsibility. I saw the third man on the right handside of my chart next two the other two and realised his role in my life was to make me meet my soulmate and his role has now come to an end , Dr.Vandana asked me if i need to clear any more issues with him but he had become too small and i could sense he was of another category and his role had come to an end, he had shrunk and was becoming smaller and smaller. I went back to the master , at this time i saw one more light the master soul blessed her , she was wearing a Golden shawl around her, the same i have seen of Buddha in some pictures, master soul blessed her and took her under his arms and gave her blessings and gave me the impression that all that had to happen would happen through her and that i was in safe hands. Then the Master Soul blessed both of us and then it was time to come back. I have never had such ans elaborated LBL session, but it felt amazing , the blissful feeling was out of this world and our imagination, as soon as i came back to my conscious level i could feel the strength within me, the hope, the purpose. It was most amazing experience i have ever had.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This past life regression session is written and shared by person who regressed.... .what did i do wrong ? Too eager to know i called up Dr.Vandana and fix my appointment for my session, it was 3 ways away and i just could not wait.When i spoke to Dr.Vandana , she asked me to recite a sentence that would help me during my regression and also she asked me to meditate, now this was indicating something different from the rest of my sessions, i realized it is going to be a difficult session perhaps. On day of my appointment i reached the clinic at 1 pm , my usual timing and we started to discuss my state of mind and why i wanted to undergo the session and then i was asked to meditate .....It was there that Dr.Vandana told me that i was asked to meditate and recite those wording as there was so much eagerness, anxiety in my voice during the telephonic conversation that she had felt i needed to do a little homework in order to be able to regress easily. The best thing i have experienced with Dr.Vandana is that she reads your mind and she exactly knows where you need to go and what you need to know. While meditating i was taken to a state of trans and hence the regression started ,where i was in a garden and was supposed to meet someone, it was my present partner , he came and he was holding my hand so tight that i started to feel the pain , he was to go away and he wanted me to wait, he did not want to let go at this point Dr.Vandana started a healing work and with help of divine light she healed the session and freed my hand from him and asked me to move on .............I reached a tunnel of white light and before Dr.Vandana could asked me to enter the tunnel i had reached the end of it so She asked me to start looking around and regressing to where i would get my answers for this session.................. I was a man about 38years of age , very well dressed who smoked ......Very clearly knew that I was in London , i kept on looking at my pocket watch as i had an appointment at 2 pm with someone .............A very important appointment....the guy did not turn up which was making me very nervous & helpless, i started to feel a pain in my left arm and heart area to which i knew that i was having heart problem.... at this point Dr.Vandana asked me to go to the next event and i saw that i was home , a domestic help served me with a cup of tea in an English style ....I was waiting and i knew the person i was waiting for was my wife, the waiting was keeping me upset and grieving. The next scene was at supper, where my wife and my 8 years old daughter were at the table, my wife was saying supper prayers and my daughter and I were playing a little game, winking at each other and being just playful............. It took me a while to move from this scene and next scene was something i resisted to reach at , i was hugging my wife but i knew she did not love me, at this point i started crying and i said i love her so much and she does not love me and then i saw who she loved , my present life partner who was watching us and enjoying my misery and helplessness........The worst was he did not even love my wife but she knew nothing about it, she did not know that he was just using her. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me to find out why did he want to hurt me and when i regressed to earlier time in my life i saw that we were all playing soccer , i was very good at games, sports , studies and was the most favourite of all teachers, neighbourhood and he was a neglected child from a broken family who was not even good looking and had inferiority complex ....He hated me as i was too popular, next scene was that i had graduated from College and i was getting engaged to the most amazing girl in my community and we loved each other immensely .............Dr.Vandana asked me if this person was attending my wedding, i saw that he was not invited and was not in church however he was watching from outside. We were a happy couple and we were soon blessed with a baby girl. Next i saw was that i was to leave for an assignment which prolonged to about a year , at this time Dr.Vandana asked me to see how my wife met the guy..........It was during a neighbourhood get together or some kind of festival where they met and next they met for an evening tea at my place and at this moment i started crying again as he was holding my wife’s hand.............I cried a lot and then Dr.Vandana asked me to move to the next important event, which was the night i came back from work and i saw my wife and the guy in my bedroom.............I started sobbing, left the house, walking aimlessly on roads, felt broken , cheated and shattered............after 2-3 days i came back home. At this point Dr.Vandana asked me what that appointment all about was. The first scene when my regression started. That meeting was about hiring someone to kill both my wife and her lover and when the guy did not turn up i felt that all my plans would fail ..............Dr.Vandana asked me what happened next, you went home and were having dinner to which i answered that i never had dinner that night, i was just sitting at the table. She asked me what happened after that and i was refusing to answer , it took me a long time to talk and when i talked i revealed that i had killed my wife, with a knife, i slit her throat. She asked me did you run away after that i said no, i hid somewhere to see what happens next and as anticipated the lover had come, he was sitting by her side and shocked............and i kept on saying he is not having any feeling, he is not upset, he is not sad, he is just shocked, he never loved my wife. Next was that the domestic saw him with my wife’s dead body and eventually he was taken to a place which looked like prison and later i read from newspaper that he was charged guilty which gave me immense satisfaction and happiness....It felt like a bonus as i had not planned it but then he was punished. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me if i was feeling guilty and i said no, i had given her enough chances............. Dr.Vandana asked me to see how he was feeling so i saw him in jail, where he was sitting with his lifeless eyes, the same calculative mind, with absolutely no emotions or feelings however i knew he wanted revenge and he was just waiting for the right time..................I saw the same person for the second time in my regressions and each time he had the same eyes, emotionless....lifeless!!! Complex and EVIL. What happened next was that my daughter grew up and i fell more sick as time went by , she had become a nurse ..............I died in d hospital from illness related to heart and lungs A doctor, 2 nurses and my daughter were present. I was asked by doctor to see what happened to my body and i was very upset to know that my daughter had donated my body for research to a hospital , i died in 1940 and my daughter who was a nurse in India had donated my body to a medical school and i was buried after 1-2 months ..........I was very upset that without my consent my body was donated .............I was buried like an unknown person with no stone in some unknown place within the hospital...................then i stated that since in India they don’t burry the body, they did not know how to do it. After my death Dr.Vandana asked me to go and seek forgiveness from the guy , I went to him in jail and met him, forgave him and also explained him that i was hurt and it was him who started to hurt me etc., it took me a lot of time and eventually we hugged and forgave each other , for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in his eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so Dr.Vandana healed me with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i would be with my soul mate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we could be together. I rested in white light and received blessings ....................Dr.Vandana asked me to forgive my wife and my partner “s friend from real life who had helped my partner to plan my death but i was too tired and i told her that it was not required as that is what the master soul had indicated. It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experice this past life....... Thank you Dr.Vandana

Monday, May 25, 2020

Auto immune disorders ..... In Auto immune disorder the root cause is auto immunity , which is the immune system attacking it's own body cells and tissues.What triggers an autoimmune response like this is not known. Auto immune disorder can affect any organ of body. In multiple sclerosis it attack nervous system, in Nephritic syndrome it affect kidney, In Ankolysing spondlitis the spinal vertebras, In Lupus it can affect sking, kidney, joints. In Ankolysing Spondylitis immune system attacks the spinal cord causing degeneration of spinal cord vertebral space. Immunological memory is the foundation of immune system behaviour and respose .This can store emotional and mental wouned past life memories. Based on these cellular memories ,a particular response is triggered and and it leads to disease. Immune system disorder have roots in body and mind connection .In energy level it can be due to mismatch of vibrations of physical body and subtle body. There can be energy immbalace in it.It can be a result of chronic immflamation at physical level.Some time a result of conflicting choices and life choices are in line with life design, results in sub- conscious conflict accompained by deep frustration resulting in loss of self tolerance.And due to this ability to be with one- self is lost , and all this lead Auto -immunity. Regression therapies ...past life regression, in womb regression, age regression and re-birthing can help to heal this issue to body- mind - soul heals the issue with alinment with self harmony......

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The subject has a sense of belonging to old Forts and recurrent dream of jumping off the cliff linked to his Past life. Session….. It is Jaisalmer in the year 1868. My mother calls me Bhanu Pratap. I am 20 years. My father has fixed my marriage with Senapati’s daughter. My mother is happy. I am getting married. I feel my married life is not good. My wife does not sleep with me. It seems she loves someone else. We do not have children even after five years of my marriage. I am 35 and going all alone somewhere. I reach a Guffa and enter inside. I am digging. I bury something. I ride back to the palace. I am walking in the dimly lit corridor in the palace. I reach near the room at the end of corridor. My wife is lying in an intimate position with a man. They are speaking to each other and laughing. I feel bad and am hurt. I return back. I gag my wife and drag her down the stairs to the pond. I drown her in water. I killed her. I spent whole night near the pond. Next morning I tie that man with rope and drag him to the jungle. I am very angry. I left him badly injured in the jungle. I now climb up the hill and reach the cliff. I jump of the cliff and fall to the ground hitting many trees on the way. My left palm is badly injured. My head hit the ground. I am hurt badly and bleeding. I die. Lesson learnt; One cannot get love by force. Patience is required. Reorientation….. Doctor Raghuvanshi, I need to have patience in current life also and now I will work on developing patience in life. I have a birth mark on my left palm.

Monday, May 18, 2020

A young woman came to understand - Why every relation moves out and ditch me? Why I have repeated pattern of failed relationship? I feel loneliness since childhood. Session…… I am a rich middle aged man and live a lavish life. I have a chariot. I wear pant, shirt, hat, suit and boot. I always carry a stick in my hand. I live in a big house with big garden. I have many Farms. I am a cruel man. I torture people physically & mentally. I beat my workers with my stick. I have a big ego of superiority that’s why I did not marry. I did not think anybody will be as good as me and match me. I enjoy separating couples and even do not allow them to meet. I do not like their talking to each other. I do not allow them work together at the same place and send them to at different work place. Couples meet behind my back. I punish them whenever I come to know of it. Nobody is happy in my estate. Today I caught a young couple talking to each other. I went near fire place in my lobby and sat there. I called both of them. I started beating both of them. They are crying in pain. Boy is always coming in front of the girl to save her from hit. Now I am beating the boy more ferociously. Many servants came inside and are begging me to stop hitting. The boy died. The girl is cursing me that you snatched my husband, gave so much pain that now you will suffer and always live alone. She also died. I felt very bad. I asked my servants to remove their bodies. After that I feel very down. My health has started deteriorating. I used to feel very restless. Now I am on the bed. My servants do not come near me. People of my estate have revolted against me. They are taking over my land. Nobody comes inside my room now. I am very unhappy. I am getting very weak. People are deceiving me and nobody takes care of me. I am dying slowly but I am worried about my riches and property. My death came very slow. Nobody was with me. My body started rotting. When foul smell spread outside, few people came and buried me unceremoniously in the country yard. It was a waste of life. Lesson learnt that cruelty is not good. In light the message came forgive yourself (visibly crying & started asking forgiveness from all who have been hurt). The white light came as a Master and gave peace. Reorientation…… She was very emotional after this session as if integrating the session. Any discussion seemed insignificant.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

young married women , herself a healer, regression for anger, uneasiness, unrest, heaviness in chest ,phobia of snakes, shoulder pain, wants to feel released before planning child. This was third session of plrt with me ,I planned each session with a gap of one week. First two sessions blended very well, stopped anger, knee pain , shoulder pain. These very interesting two sessions, needed a lot of healings . Third session…..SRT INBETWEEN REGRESSION…. I am a boy standing in front of a toy shop looking at a monkey toy playing drum. Now I am going towards a lone wheel swing and watching it. My mother is here and taking me home. She is talking a lot….my father is at home .he is coming after some time. He bought gifts for us. There is one more child in home, my brother…I am now 25, married. I come from office, my little daughter is greeting me. I have happy life…I am sitting in rocking chair, I am sad, house is empty.( A lot of here and there, I started feeling that he is avoiding the situation ) . ultimately ..i am at home, my wife is crying, my daughter fell from stairs, no blood, just dead. I could not save her, I was not home. i am having unrest, uneasiness at chest and right side of neck. I am, taking her upstairs, there is a small toy car, she slipped due to this, I am throwing car away. I do not want, but she is telling let me go… my uneasiness in chest and unrest is too much....Its is gray….talked to entity …..i am daughter, with my grand mother. The passages to go form here is too narrow …A long conversation. .ready to go up….after screening…subject. .she is sitting in corner, grand mother gone, she is in fear . Dr. v…I am opening a safe passage………..send to light .rescanning…its empty but neck is uneasy on right side… a doll of her is there…dr. v….convince the doll to go in her understanding, ready , went up and high, rescanning….a thandapan.[.chilled] part in some area of neck, dr. v…..conversation….with part…I am desire and promise, subject….my daughter wanted a doll, new one, and I promised her…this thandapan is due to tears of my daughter, for so long period. dr. v….desire and promise we are wishing for her to get a new doll, in full faith, beyond time and space, so we are adding our wish to you, now you will like to go, subject…yes .rescanning….all clear and clean, the life covered till death, lesion learned…do not delay things… Went up to white light, in between waited for some guide, had feeling of some warmth, up very big light………. Re-orientation… After three months. .I am free, I am so much at ease. Last week there was a toy car on floor of some friends house, I make it a point to keep that on a table. After one and half year…bless with a child. .a happy mother..

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Past life regression session.

Past life regression session.

Client came and said Dr Vandana ! why am I so protective of my brother? Why he has so many problems in his life? I wish to know the answers.


I am a girl. It is Europe. I am in front of a big house in a tonga. I am entering the house. I came after attending funeral of my friend’s father. My family is asking how it went.

It is breakfast time. My father is telling me it is time to get married. In the evening I am waiting for my friend. He came but looks upset. His father died. I told him my father wants me to get married now. He looks thoughtful. After sometime it is our marriage ceremony. I am very happy. We are going for honeymoon.

Few years passed. We have a daughter named Isabel. She is four years old. She is wounded. and we are going to medicine man. It is 17th century England. On the way there is an old lady asking for and trying to snatch money. She has a knife in her hand. She hit my daughter with the knife and ran away. We could not find her. We came back and cremated our daughter. Our home is very quiet now. 

After few years I have a son. I am very protective of him. When he grew up he went to some big place to study.  We both are going on tonga to pick him up. We are taking him home. We are very happy. My son is 17 year old. Suddenly the horse got hit with something and we all fell down. My son and husband got head injuries and are unconscious. I am trying to get up. Suddenly I saw the same old lady again and she is laughing now. I asked her why did she do this again to us. She said I am taking revenge from your late father in law. I will finish his whole family. She hit me with knife. She is checking to make sure my husband and son died. She ran away. My last thought was life is unpredictable. The old woman is my cousin and son is my brother in my present life. In light the masters said you have to let go your linkage to brother. He has to make his own path. His problems are linked to his traumatic childhood in present life. You gift him good books and do not take extra tension for him. He has to learn to help father.  You only guide him and do not force anything. The masters are blessing me and my father.