Sunday, August 4, 2013

blood phobia and help of past life's a session case story ..session taken by dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist in Chandigarh, India

Phobias/ Fears bring darkness in life.I f it is removed, light comes in life.Past life regression helps to remove phobias
.A case of Blood Phobia is releases fully after three months....
A 14, yrs,class 9th, girl with intense blood phobia.Cann't see tv,sight of blood even on tv,she use to feel-headach, palpitation,sweating.h/o negative dreams &not comfertable with relations....
* Regressed in past life.....
 in Turky, a 15 yrs old boy, got crushed below lorry, both legs chopped.Then left by own parents and adopted by other couple...,discribed whole life , till death in old age.
After regression..
.Oh!!! I saw too much blood flowing from my legs. 
The regreesion was in nov2011. She came to meet in april 2012..
she said..
.I can see tv and go to movies now.
I am not having recurrent headachs.
I feels very carefree at home now.
I feels better with family