Monday, September 30, 2013


When Life shows us a lot of rough patches all in a row , we tend to panic and lose control, we stop thinking right and see everything from a defensive point of view , we stop trusting people , we stop dedicating , we become indecisive and we start to believe there is no one else who can help and start to take all real and self created life burdens on our already cracked shoulders. It is crucial at this time we recognize where we are going wrong and take a past life regression session................You would be amazed how a fresh mind would take control again...
dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Past life regression helps you to find the answers of your present life suffering....Past life regression centre in Chandigarh, INDIA

Quite often  many of us think... why did my life turn the way it has ? What did I do wrong ? I also hear people saying that they are tired and they want a little breather, they never want to face any other crises ....well if you want the.... answers of all these questions here ....answer it in 2 simple sentences it would be we go through a lot due to our karma of previous births as well as this birth and if you truly are tired and want your life pattern to change you need to know the root cause of all suffering ...take a PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION, LIFE BETWEEN LIVES SESSION.....And learn to " love unconditionally and Forgive truly ", it sounds simple and ....however it is never too late to start!!!!
dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Sunday, September 29, 2013

PLR...Past life regression PLR helps us in understanding the plan and purpose for the current life which in turn promotes healing and a better adjustment with current life situations.

TO KNOW YOURSELF...PAST LIFE REGRESSION HELPS....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, Past life therapy practitioner in Chandigarh, India......09872880634

You Are What You Are! Know the You within U!! Love the real You....

If you want to know the real you, you need to take few past life regression sessions. Often we take decisions that are practical, logical but they still don't feel right, for that you need to know yourself, You need to know the you within You, it is through living from the across the time and space... that you will find WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
When we live true to our nature , life supports us and we create success effortlessly aligned and in balance with our purpose and path. We take decisions that not only feel right but give us the best results too, the biggest shift of all is the realization that LIFE IS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU but FOR YOU.
Everything you need , you can create and have from within your heart.the heart knows how to give you everything without causing pain or harm to anyone or anything in the universe.      
                 You need to know that you are exactly who you need to be at this moment, right here & now, accept that you are enough, more than enough, that you are already WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT....believe that!                                                                                                                                                           Believe that there is only one person powerful enough to stop you & there is only one person enough to set you free, YOU! You are so much more than you think you are, there is such a larger you to emerge..... tap into it, say "YES" to it and let it out. This is possible if you understand your purpose of life and soul journey....                                                                  
  Whatever you do you know, and absolutely trust without anyone else needing to affirm - that is good & creative and powerful and important about you. Know that the quality of your movement is a manifestation of the workings of your brain, which determines the quality and vitality of your life.                                                                                        
   You need to understand and realise that when genuine love and genuine self respect is present within you, you attract love and respect from others too....You then don't have to force people to love you, you don't have to keep proving yourself, you don't have worry that your true worth would not be recognised. You can then set yourself free and let go !
To Know Yourself Past Life Regression Helps...    

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Past Life Regession to understand Why ???Acceptance is not easy for you ? Why you hold on to people, situation so long ???....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, renowned past life regression therapist in Chandigarh, India

Sometimes we hold on to situations or people that are not really meant to be, we hold on so tight with all that we have in us that we do not give ourselves a chance to look around, to see and to know that we do that out of fear, fear of losing , fear of the new unknown, we just don't want to be out of the comfort zone.........We blame the situation or the person without realizing it is us who created that world not them and we give in so much that by the time we want to start afresh we don't have enough to start afresh, no energy left, no purpose ...............We don't realize that it is not unless that we let go and breath we would realize  losing that battle or person is actually a Blessing not a tragedy .... Acceptance is the key to new avenues in Life......
Why you cannot let go person, situation..not needed ...
Why acceptace is difficult far you....
Find the reason in past life regression
dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Thursday, September 26, 2013

PAST LIFE REGRESSION CASE STORY....Past life regression centre in Chandigarh, India

I had taken few past life regression from dr.vandana raghuvanshi.
I am very happy with my findings through these regressions and a lot in my life and in my approach to life has changed however I know I still need to know much more, rectify much more in order to put back my plan together .I decided to go for another regression, wanted to know the route cause of failed associations, whether in professional life or personal life.............I am not quite sure how I can relate what I am going to write below to my question but I know there would be a connection. Maybe it is too fresh for me to be able to reconnect but like any other regression the result would start to manifest in about 40 days ...........
The session started with a deep cleansing of my chakras and aura , I was asked to watch myself to ensure the cleansing is thourough.Then I was asked to sit on a bench , there was something strange, the coulor of what I was wearing was changing to bluish black and brown again and again and I cld not identify which one was me , then I was asked to look into the mirror and say what I see, I saw a very strange figure, like one of those we used to see in cartoon programs such as snow white, the magician in those, she was wearing a bluish black robe and has a stick, it was very scary but I knew it was not me, the figure had long black hair and I could easily recognize who she was, one of my very close friends.....................When Dr.Vandana asked for healing energies to take over what was happening , I saw that figure like a full body mask, a shield which got detached and went away to the universe ...............It was the first time I was experiencing something like that , after that body mask was removed I could see myself, I felt a lot lighter but there were still some attachments to my right knee and right leg and some attachments on the shoulder. It took a few minutes for the whole body to normalize and I was feeling the jerk in my right leg which was very strong and beyond control.
The cleansing was so intense that I had to be brought back to a state of low Trans in order to be able to drink water and regain energy.
Once the cleansing was completed the regression started , I was being guided by the white light travelling through a dense forest , think dense forest in the mountains, I reached a religious place, a mosque , the structure was in white .when I reached the mosques it was noon and there were men praying ( Namaaz). I was there on an assignment, maybe a documentary or some research, I was a white woman in my early twenties. I was asked to see where I was the next day or same night and I saw myself hiding under a shelf , waiting to run away from a man who had a turban , beard but had no moustaches. I knew I was in Afghanistan. I saw that the next day I had ran away and I was lost in a place of low dry mountains, the next scene was that I was held captured by some men , one of them was the guy I had seen in that mosque.
My subconscious was trying to avoid what had happened but eventually I had to acknowledge it, I was being held captive for a few months , raped by few men , my hands were tied , I was asking for my death every minute. It was a strange feeling, I had the body but there was no soul , or maybe my soul was numb, I felt I am alive yet dead. I was mentally physically and emotionally numb, I wld not even feel the physical pain, the cold , hunger anymore.
I had a glimpse of my childhood too, unlike my other lives I grew up in a loving family , I grew up with no major event , it was this job and the assignment that was the major incident in my life, I was happy and ready to explore and when I was saying bye to my family I saw a young man who perhaps I loved but I told myself I would be with him when I come back, I would have time enough. I had kept myself and my career above love and family , the same thing I have done in this life too .
Next was my death scene, my soul just wanted to get over with this life, a taxing life indeed. I saw that I had managed to loosen up the ropes around my wrist , managed to snatch away the dagger from the beard man’s waist and stabbed myself in chest (not heart) and my stomach, I died after few days due to the wounds and infection, lonely painful death.
They left my body there . My soul travelled to the white light but it was in shape of the body, it was not merging with my subconscious, it took a few minutes to merge into the white light, I knew I had to rest there for 50 years.
My master light was there waiting for me, he nodded on my action to end my life which is another strange thing as suicide is not acceptable in spirituality, but somehow I was being sympathetic too and was given the impression I did that to save my honour and it was the correct thing to do. After sufficient rest in white light I met my master soul and he blessed me with strength for a very long time, after I have recognized my master light I meet him in different way and the light is different colour too. I next saw my soulmate , standing there helpless and wanting me to join him , but the master soul was not allowing me, he told me it is him who has to take the initiation and it is his time ....He needs to be strong! He gave me an impression that if I make any move , the master would be very upset with me. Somehow my soulmate understood the message too and started smiling reassuring that he has understood. I wanted to rest again , so I went back to the white light and rested there and then I asked to be brought back.
The lesson I learnt that being fearless and independent is good but one needs to be cautious too, I also learnt being ambitious and loving one’s career or choices good but family , love and relationships should be given priority.
One of my biggest fear in this life has been losing my mom or family members when I am not with them and now I know where that comes from , I also have feared dying a lonely death which has been a repeated pattern in my soul journey and I need to release this block. The connection to my present life is that even in this life I have been keeping family and love on hold thinking I have enough time to go back to them but the truth is family and love is to be our highest priority , life needs to be balanced , one should draw a line for everything and one should give time to all 3- 4 important life components........................I can very well connect this life to my present life.
Thank you Dr.Vandana for you invaluable help , guidance and support...I should go now, have so much to do to get my family together and make my soulmate to take the step...Good luck to all!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

PAST LIFE THERAPY CAN HELP TO RELEASE MANY BLOCKS RELATED WITH YOUR SEXUAL LIFE......dr.vandana raghuvanshi, practitioner of past life therapy Chandigarh, India

"Sex is natural..Sex is Divine.When you talk about Sex , you talk about Sexual energy.Your energy must be compatible with that of your partner, recognize the Divinity in your beloved! Sexual union with the right Spiritual Attitude towards your beloved .
Sex energy is like spiritual fuel. When sex energy is regulated & transmuted. it can lead to Oneness. Sex energy can be transmuted into love and mercy, greater intelligence and into spiritual energy.
The key is to transmute this energy and not to suppress it. When sex energy is transmuted to upper chakras it gets transmuted to love, kindness, intelligence and divining Oneness.
You need to be careful in choosing your partner, do not "touch" the partner of someone else, or have multiple partners, this is very injurious to the Soul and your sexual energy.There is nothing wrong with desire but do not be enslaved by it.
Many times one can feel very confused about sexual identity of own.Many time person suffer from eractil dis function,  decreased libido in women, too much sexual craving, disliking for sex , and very much confused about even being a homosexual...Some time person feels sexually attracted or dreams  comes as if having sex with the person , who is very much respected and to be regarded asSacred. .
All of these things may be related with your past life....If you take a past life regression session to know the root cause, it will helps in releasing tons of load  from your mind, heart and life.
                                                              dr.vandana raghuvanshi


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....It helps you to understand your soul journey......dr.vandana raghuvanshi, practitioner of past life regression therapy in Chandigarh, India....09872880634

The soul  talks to us in silence; it is the loudest when the mind is the calmest. How beautiful would that be to devote some little time to the Soul too and balance our lives, it not only helps us in balancing our life but also it helps us know ourselves better , it helps us rejuvenate, it helps us to do the impossible. One of the ways you can observe and connect to your inner voice and your inner conscious is through meditation, it helps you liberate, it helps you calm down But if you wants to look at the situations from a third angle, you would take more accurate measures to improve your life, you would be able to master your body and mind and in return the universe would reward you by putting you on the right track. Your intuition would become stronger, you would be more contented as when you do the right thing the entire universe comes together to ensure you achieve what you desire...
.For understanding your soul journey take past life regression with life between lives session.....

Monday, September 23, 2013

IF YOU ARE FACING DIFFICULTY IN FORGIVING, TAKE A PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION AND LET GO.....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist in Chandigarh, India

We end up keeping grudges, wasting time in planning revenge, spoil our health thinking about something that hurt us either intentional or unintentional and it takes us many days/months sometimes years to forgive and forget .We often hear people saying i have forgiven but i can not forget ....Well the fact is if you truly forgive , you would not remember and you do not need to try so hard to forget.
Forgiveness is a process, it has layers that we need to unfold, analyze, understand with an open mind and an open heart, forgive & LET GO!!!
We often fail at the last step but unless we let go we would not move on....
dr.vandana raghuvanshi
World renowned past life regression therapist

DO YOU WANT TO RELEASE GUILT ??? DO YOU FEEL GUILTY ??? TAKE ONE TO ONE DETAIL PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION FROM dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist in Chandigarh, India

 Guilt is usually originated with same cause and resulted in almost same effects. During all these subjective case to case studies and while researching on the subject it has become very clear that we carry two different types of Guilt , one that is result of conscious wrong decisions and the second type is the guilt we carry usually as a result of a very thoughtful , calculative measure which as per today's terminology we can call "Practical decisions" ,and as a result we end up either going wrong in our own life or end up hurting our near and dear ones.

It does not matter what the origin of Guilt is , guilt is a destructive impression that can ruin relationships, result in depression and even destroy lives especially of the Individuals carrying it.
What is more interesting is that no matter what the origin is, it is always either result of Self Victimization ( in case of known wrong decisions) or it would result in self victimization ( In case of strong practical decisions).

Lets understand both type of guilt and its relation with Self Victimization. When Guilt is the result of a conscious wrong decision , we end up being a victim for the people around , we start to justify our wrong decisions and explain how helpless we were and out of no choice we had to take a decision and end up where we are today. These decisions are decisions we take while our inner self is continuously telling us either by way of different type of feelings , or some obvious signs such as negative vibes, a sentence a random person says and we immediately connect it to our situation etc , somehow somewhere deep inside we know we are going wrong but the temptation is so much that we suppress the inner voice, we ignore other's advice behave as if never saw any sign and go ahead and take that tingling wrong decision. In such cases Self victimization starts after Guilt and we initially do it just to justify ourselves in front of people not realizing the mind is such that once it masters any task it keeps producing the same thing over and over again, and of course the universe comes to its help to ensure we sympathize more, we feel guilt more which would result in more justification and more self pity and eventually we start believing we were a victim of circumstances and the vicious circle never stops. If you read this carefully you would realize here guilt is a fake impression that we carry to justify the known wrong decision just to escape judgements which eventually becomes a strong belief and the Soul carries it till we learn the lesson of taking responsibility of our actions, till we learn to listen to our inner voice , till we have true faith.

In the second scenario where we carry guilt because we took a very practical decision at a point of time in a particular situation that resulted in some painful circumstances we carry guilt because we have limited knowledge, in this case guilt happens because we are too attached , because we don't see beyond the physical world and we do not know every Soul has its plan , nothing happens without it being planned. We took a decision with all that capability we had and the intention was for the best of everyone however it did not turn out to be as we planned because every other person had a different plan and had to go through certain situations for certain learnings. We forget to understand that we took the decision as per what we knew and what was our journey , we can not live the life of others, we do not know what is their journey all about and why they chose to be in a situation where something had to go wrong . Here again as you see, guilt is a false emotion , it happens due to lack of knowledge and too much attachment.
Guilt is destructive , it is a false impression we carry for above mentioned reasons , as the Zoroastrians say.
if you are suffering from guilt..
take past life therapy
dr.vandana raghuvanshi
for on skype session

Friday, September 20, 2013


We do have more than one soulmate but only if we are very lucky we meet....If you are lucky and blessed, honor it , fight for it ....It is choosing to be happy Vs.letting go and
searching in hope of another relation.

Our relationships can be our greatest challenge but they also can be the greatest joy, one of the most rewarding, the most fulfilling and most incredible experiences of our lifetime.When the relationship is right , we no more hide our true self, our light, our magnificence will shine as well, we will be seen...
to know the ideity of your soul mates ...
take a past life regression with life between lives session...
dr.vandana rahghuvanshi

Sunday, September 15, 2013

IF YOU WANTS TO UNDERSTAND YOUR SOUL JOURNEY ..YOU CAN TAKE A PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION WITH LIFE BETWEEN LIVES [ LBL] SESSION......dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life regression therap[ist in Chandigarh, India

In present life , we forget that we all have different soul journeys, we get lost ! We needs to do  an introspection to understand that where we are going wrong.. 
It is not easy to understand deep rooted carryover cell memory .  is...which not only making you difficult person in  the eyes of others but also brings you a sense of  uneasiness. If you release this carryover pattern in past life regression it makes you stronger from within, increases your self confidence. We know that as a human beings we all make mistakes, we all feel jealousy, envy, we are full of destructive biased emotions but when we  release all of this in past life therapy then  instead  envy , jealousy and insecurity we feel happiness in every event of our life , it is then that we are on the right path of soul evolution.
 It is important to know and also acknowledge the issues within ourselves and strike to resolve them , it is then that we would be happy with our own being, our own very existence, our own self...when we are in denial of our self as we truly are is the time we go wrong, its the time many negative emotions sip in and result in insecurity , low self esteem and many other destructive emotions! Its never late to catch hold of our own emotions and tame them ,it is never too late to do an introspection and start afresh re build our lost self, identify our landmark and leave our footprints wherever we go!
So it is better to take a past life regression and release unwanted patterns from our life.....

Saturday, September 14, 2013


This past life regression and LBL…..session is shared by subject herself with all of you…

Hi Everyone ,
I am back with yet another beautiful experience. There were a lot of issues and problem that have been going on in my life since the age of 5 and life only got more and more tough and  complicated as i grew up. By the age of 17 when every person is at its best time and enjoying life, making more friends ,  being ambitious my real struggle for life started. The relationship with my father was no more  good as i was a person who would never bend in front of injustice and wrong doings hence not approving him which resulted in financial struggle and a lot more.
When i went to Dr.Vandana in Oct 2011, it was the time that i was on the verge of a breakdown, and all that i knew was i had done nothing , absolutely nothing to deserve the life i was going through.
My past life regression unfolded many connections, many questions were answered, many worries ended and yet my never ending life surprises would take me by another blow. I had to go through a major change in life leaving behind two of my soul mates i had recognised during my PLR which has been the most difficult experience of my life but the change was un avoidable.
I had cried all day, tired, exhausted and on the verge of giving up, as soon as i saw Dr.Vandana i told her that  i wanted to know why did I choose such a difficult life,( as we know every soul chooses its life pattern and the people in his life) , so what i wanted to know was why did i choose such a difficult life.
We started our session on skype…….
We started the session with a new pattern, i was apprehensive that i was not emotionally stable and also i was physically exhausted so maybe i would not be able to regress , but it did not take me time to be in a deep state of trans, I was asked to be in a garden of my choice and as usual i was in  garden in Victoria, i saw stairs going down , so i was asked to go down the stairs, at the end of the stairs i was told to look into a corridor  and see how many doors does it have, It was a sky blue colour corridoor   with 3 doors, all wooden doors in dark brown colour and real heavy doors.
Dr.Vandana asked me to open any one door, and i opened the one right at the end of the corridoor, it took me time to open the door as it was very heavy and i had to use all my strenght to open the door.
The room was dark and after some instructions it became lighter and now i could see the room, it was a room in grey colour, walls and even the floor was in grey stones, I could see my grand father on a wheelchair . I was a 1 year old girl with curly golden hair, i was playing with some dolls, small hand made ones and i saw that my father , a tall dark man who happens to be my father in present life picked me up and was playing with me. I knew he was my father but still i felt i am being held by a stranger, since it was the first time i was seeing my father after i was born.
My mother who was wearing everything in black came and next i knew was that i was crawling and crying looking for a safe shelter, it was because my parents were arguing , my mother asked my father to leave and she did not want to see him ever again, she was upset that he had disappeared before i was born and never bothered to come & look after us. And during his absence there were alot of financial problems which made my mother do two jobs to be able to take care of her father and me. She also lost her mother to whom she was attached the most.
I grew up, i was a brilliant student and a favorite of teachers, it was at the age of 19 that i joined the church and i chose to be a nun. Soon i was recognised as i was a very devoted person and by the age of 35 I was called Mother Ann.
My mother came to see me twice, but it was very strange i was a very detached person, despite knowing she was alone and needed me i felt I belonged to the church, i had to serve Jesus. It was St.Marry’s  church  somwhere in  Romania.
The second time she came to see me , she was crying and begging me to go back and live with her and i felt no emotions, i was totally detached (now that i am writing this and remembering the scene my heart is aching ), i felt nothing and i refused to go with her, i wanted to serve Jesus.
Next important event was when my mother passed away, i was the one saying the prayers at her grave and it was then that i was shaken , my belief in me and what i was doing shook, it was difficult to finish the prayers but i did complete the prayer as everyone there was looking upto me. I was their mentor , their role model.( I realized serving family and loved ones was our foremost duty even more important than serving Jesus, i realized relationships and families were very important in our soul print and maybe this is the reason why one of my fears in this life is losing my mother when i am not around or that of her falling sick and i would not be there to take care of her)
I saw two more scenes, one was that i was unwell, as if it was the first time i had fallen sick in that life and there were younger nuns taking care of me  and last scene was of my death, it was about 3 am and i knew the time has come, i got up from my bed and left  my room, went to the main hall , i bowed and then kneeled down for prayer, i was seeking forgiveness for my behaviour with my mother and i prayed till last moment, then i saw my soul leaving my body exiting from my crown.
I was asked what kind of a life it was and i answered an easy life, it had no purpose, I became a Nun and served the church because i found my comfort in it , because i never went out of my comfort zone to find out if i could do anything else, when i compared this life with my present life i reailzed  the connection to this life is that i chose totally opposite life pattern, i would always go for challneges and have been looking for my purpose , I chose a very difficult life pattern that i have had no time to rest  and have never been at ease.
I waited there as i knew in a short while the nuns who come for preparing the hall for morning prayers wld discover my body. I was about 82 years old at the time of death.
I was burried and my name read Mother Ann ( Anna Krista), i wa sburried in the same church.
Before i moved up i wanted to meet my mother and seek forgiveness, i went to her but she was too upset with me , she was not ready to listen, and even after so much of effort  it felt as if she said i have forgiven you but “dont you think its that easy and i can forget it”, she hugged me and gave me a half smile but i had to move , i could not wait anymore.
I was a bright white light and reached the white light very fast , i did not want to rest and was ready for my next assignment, I saw master soul looking at me with a smile , a smile like a parent when he sees his child impatient for the game.
I went to the master soul for blessings, he gave me blessings, I was asked to see my planning chart and look around if there is a counsellor  table, i saw it , i knew that was my present life chart but i was still getting blessings, it was such a peaceful experience, it felt great , since i have recognized my master soul, i always greet him in the Indian way by touching his feet and it is an automatic thing now which  has started post a particular session when the master disclosed his identity. After i was filled with light, love and peace i moved towards the table, on the otherside too was a spiritual teacher or a junior master i could feel. ( he was the most learned of my soulmates, the person who would always look at me with a sarcastic smile and always gave the impression that my sight would remind him of a nagging child, it was him who gave me a word in my last LBL session , he whispered healing ).
I sat there and i saw my chart, i saw my parents on the left corner above the chart, it felt as if their role had come to an end with this life and they were about to exit my life pattern.
I saw my ex husband and two more men who have had a very major role in my life , my husband was smiling and  the other two people , one was confused as to why did he have to be even there and the third man who has had a very major role in my life both good and bad he was looking at me as if he wanted some answers and he was still hopeful that i may consider his role .
After seeing all these i was looking for my soulmate and the rest of soulmates but i saw no one and i went back to the master soul, i kneeled down with my hands folded and i asked him why did i choose such a difficult life , at this time i burst out into tears and i could not stop, he replied that you did not choose your chart, you told me what you wanted and i chose your chart for you.  I looked at him and asked him then why did you make me suffer so much , i was begging him, he knew i was having no more strenght , and i was giving up, he said : “ YOU WANTED TO BE WITH YOUR SOULMATE SO YOU HAD TO LEARN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A HIGHER PLANE AND EVOLVE SO YOU HAD TO CLEAR ALL YOUR KARMAS, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND BE A HEALER SO YOU HAD TO LEARN PATIENCE”, that is why i chose this chart for you.
I stopped crying at this moment and asked him if my chart could be changed as I could no more go on like this, i told him i had no energy, i could not bear anymore pain and he told me he won’t change the chart, he told me you are very close to your life purpose and to have all that you have asked for so i won’t change your chart, the difficult part is over and the life you wanted is to begin and i can’t let you go through all these in another life, you need to complete all your exams and start the life you have asked for and that is very near, You can not give up.
I started crying again and went back to my chart and this time i saw 2 of my soulmates, my brother and my soulmate, i realised my brother was there for my support and the time of being with soulmate was very close, i saw a date there. Then i was looking for a date for my healing clinic and other wishes i had and i saw a date for next year for my healing clinic too.

I went back to the master soul to ask if i was meant to be healer then why is it that there are still issues and i have to wait another year , and i saw myself again at the counselor table , i knew it was because i needed to learn patience,to  be more grateful and also got the impression that i have been having a tendency to forget my lessons from previous lives so it was to insured that before i was a healer with such a huge responsibility i had learnt all the lessons and i would remember them all and actually would be fit to be a good healer who could carry such a responsibility. I saw the third man on the right handside of my chart next two the other two and realised his role in my life was to make me meet my soulmate and his role has now come to an end , Dr.Vandana asked me if i need to clear any more issues with him but he had become too small and i could sense he was of another category and his role had come to an end, he had shrunk and was becoming smaller and smaller.

I went back to the master sould and told him i needed strenght and his blessing to be able to come out of all these tests successfully, he picked me up and took me to his heart and blessed me with DIVINE LIGHT, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE WISDOM,DIVINE SUPPORT , DIVINE GUIDANCE AND DIVINE PROTECTION & then i kneeled down to thank him while he continued to bless me , at this time i saw another soul mate of mine , a very dear person in my present life, the master soul blessed her , she was wearing a Golden shawl around her, the same i have seen of Budha in some pictures, master soul blessed her and took her under his arms and gave her blessings and gave me the impression that all that had to happen would happen through her and that i was in safe hands.
Then the Master Soul blessed both of us and then it was time to come back.

I have never had such ans elaborated LBL session, but it felt amazing , the blissful feeling was out of this world and our imagination, as soon as i came back to my conscious level i could feel the strength within me, the hope, the purpose.

It was most amazing experience i have ever had.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

PAST LIFE REGRESSION FOR FORGIVENESS......dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist in Chandigarh, India

WHY ???
 Forgive people who have hurt you ! You deserve peace of mind ...Forgiveness unclutteres both your heart and mind and that is the essential of success in all life's aspects.

Have you ever walked into a house that is full of stuff and it is cluttered ? It makes some people feel suffocated in such spaces , or when you walk into a place and it is dirty ? You just don't want to spend too much time there.  Our mind and body is the same , when we clutter our mind space with negative thoughts and thoughts of revenge we do not leave any room for anything new to walk in to our lives, we need to de clutter our life space regularly and one of the ways to do that is to forgive people who have hurt you .

You do not have to be a judge and decide who was right or wrong in that situation , you need to forgive in order to open your mind and body for a fresh start. Forgiveness is the key to freedom of mind and soul. When you have thoughts of revenge or even wish negative thoughts for others you are actually wasting your energy on the person who hurt you , we never know why a person reacted in a particular manner that resulted in paining us neither we can ever be a true judge but it is sure when we plan to do something wrong we are giving a lot of importance to that person , which leads to negative thoughts , we keep wasting our energy on that person or event, we brew over it again and again, enough for emotion to become so strong to make us think and plan something negative, the other person on the other hand is not even aware of all the pain we have been through and he is living a normal life so basically we are hurting ourselves well enough to be able to hurt the other , do you think it is worth it ?

When you erase negativity and you clear your mind and heart from negative thoughts and intentions you allow positivity enter your every cell of the body like oxygen and that gives you a sense of goodness and energy . You are ready to take off for better destinations , to meet better people , to experience new things 


Past life regression is a very popular, worldwide, after the wonderful book named 'many lives many masters' came to the book public .Plr is the ability of a person to access the memories of lives lived earlier than the current birth. This is known as being regressed back in time. You can access your past life memories by taking the help of a hypnotherapist, for therapeutic reasons or may be just out of curiosity.
Regression is a diagnostic and therapeutic technique, in order to find the cause of some current life problem that a person is seeking to resolve. A person under hypnosis, is regressed back to his or her previous life or lives to situations or events which has/have a cause for the current life trauma, pain, emotional problem, or relationship issue, etc. 
When a therapists guides you to specific root cause, its a the 'past life therapy'.
First of all, using past life regression, identification of cause or reason for recurring patterns within this lifetime, that are making current life difficult, producing negative effects, or interfering with your health and well being, is determined.
We then use, what we have find as a root cause, to seek out the beginning of this pattern. We utilize this pattern as the guide or vehicle as we journey into the past to find an experience that strongly typifies or is even the very origin of this problem. The beginning of this destructive/disturbing pattern may or may not be located within this lifetime, we may find ourselves in a recent or not so recent past lifetime.
Once the cause/source is determined, a qualified  past life regression therapist can help you overcome that situation.
 Allergy, Asthma Epilepsy, Unexplained body pains, have been found to have their origin in past life.In breathlessness and difficult breathing, the person suffering died due to 'stoppage of breath' due to any reason, it could be by drowning, hanged, burnt, choked, strangulated, etc.. The present life situation, at a particular time and conditions ...any emotional turmoil can act as  triggers this memory of past life. Then the mind wants the person to breathe harder to protect him/her, causing breathing problms.Un explained body pains are pain full emotion carried by cell memory.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Do you come across these questions – Am I happy? Why can’t I feel the happiness from within? Why there is constant pain in my leg or any other part of the body? Why my relationships don’t work? Why am I constantly fighting with my parents or spouse or siblings etc? Why do I keep quitting my job? Why am I not able to earn enough money?

These are few questions that often come to our mind but we really don’t know the reason behind it.The reason can be the memories that you are carrying from your past or may be from one of your past lives.
Past life Regression therapy regresses a person to one of his/her past lives and experience it once again to resolve the problem that he/she facing in the present.It helps us to get into the root cause of the problem to resolve it at physical,mental and emotional level.

Past Life Regression Therapy is based on the principles of cause and effect which is commonly known as ‘Karma’. 


Leading a balanced life is what is a common Goal for all of us but we need to continuously watch our thoughts, actions and ensure we are on the right path, it is extremely important to maintain a healthy balance in Life. If we notice, everything that exists in this universe has an opposite component, day & night , light & dark, black and white, truth & lie.... Certain things have a very clear demarcation and it is easy to differentiate and understand the nature of the opposite component...But when it comes to human nature somehow everything gets way too complicated !
Our physical mind & our conscious loves to play with anything that is there to be used to manipulate it for it's benefit no matter how temporary it is and no matter if the mind is certain the game is going to be short termed.

The our basic nature, habits, liking & disliking , the repetative pattern to carry over from our past lives..When it comes to human thoughts and behaviour and the outcome of them it is then that we need to be brutally honest with ourselves and be very watchful in what we are doing as the line between the two opposites becomes so thin that we often miss it. Maybe below examples would help us identify most common deceitful mind games :

  • People usually do not know where to draw the line when it comes to self respect and ego, they react to honest criticism or situations and later justify their extreme reaction as defending their self respect whereas the reaction is mostly result of a false ego .
  • Or when someone hurts a person by the words he speaks and he justifies his action by saying I am very upfront and honest , yes , it is good to be upfront and honest but was it necessary to use the language in manner that can be hurtful ? was it necessary to use harsh pointed words ?Or could there be other ways of conveying the message?
  • People move out of a hurtful relationship and continue to hurt each other , they justify that it is out of extreme love whereas it is the result of a hurt , destructive ego.
Many of us fail to draw the line when it is required , we usually realize that we have crossed the line when we have moved too far forward , it is then that we regret certain actions, thoughts or behaviour & then we try to justify it .............I believe it is better to be careful from the word go instead of being regretful later  .

We often mistake healthy competition with jealousy and envy too. It is important we compete but with our own selves , we should watch other people and learn from them and then see as per our own capability where we can use those learnings to enhance our performance. however usually people end up envying each other or being jealous of another person's success and then they would try and justify their behavious in many ways.

I also often come across people who are so involved in their professional career that they ignore family or even their own selves or we have the other type of people too , who are so involved in themselves that they no more give time to any productive activity and not even to near and dear be obsessed with anything or to overdo anything is wrong , it is against the law of universe.

If you study the nature carefully or anything that is universal  you would realize the entire Universe is working on a very balanced formula ....when something goes out of balance then we witness disasters, similarly excess of anything , even work & exercise is bad .............Life needs to be balanced , it is when we practice to live a balanced, harmonious life that we achieve a balanced mind which would  lead us to our higher conscious .
By past life regression re-experience, re-living , and releasing ....the carryover clutter and live in harmony with balanced life....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


How does Healing work in past life regression session. ?

The process of healing has FIVE stages ...
Re-experiencing...Re -living..
Realization and releaseing

Feeling and re-experiencing
Change in present life
To heal ourselves we must the carry over it's root cause and then  realize our own role in our pain , it is only then that we would feel the pain and sorrow of this realization deeply and completely , once we accept that it was us who created the pain and also felt the pain then only we can accept and forgive ourselves and others who have had some role to play in our suffering , in fact their role becomes very immaterial as we understand the true reason of the pain we have been through. This complete healing process would then bring the fundamental change that is required for making the right decisions. 

PAST LIFE REGRESSION AND SPIRIT RELEASEMENT THERAPY[SRT ]...past life regression in Chandigarh, India...09872880634

Pressure on Neck & Urinary Incontinence
(Only SRT in 70 Years old Women)
Subject: A 70 year old woman with pressure on throat and chest,                                                                                urinary continence leading to dripping of urine on floor mainly in night, unrest (off and on). No medical cause, all reports normal.
Sessions: Two (With Interval of One Week)
1st Session:

Scanning: - Brown grey color in pelvis. Felt a lot of unrest when 
she visualized it. On personification none came forward. Healing time 10 minutes brown grey released in light at appointed place.
On chest was black color. She suddenly felt like looking at someone and got afraid. With help of rescuing in white light blackness was released to appointed place in white light.
She felt too tired. Aura strengthening was done. Session closed.
Was advised to follow up after 1 Week.

2nd Session:
Scanning: Clear pelvis and clear chest. On throat pressure and yellow color. Suddenly she felt heat coming from back of the spine and reaching to the neck thus suffocating her.

Dr.VSR: Pressure, just release her neck and look within your own heart area for your own white light on counting of 3...1.2.3....
Sub: Oh I am relieved. Feeling better.
Personification of pressure, heat and yellow color has been done.
Dr.VSR: How long were you here?
Sub: 25 years
Dr.VSR: Who are you? And why are you’re here?
Sub: An old man is watching me. He was our neighbor. He died 25 years ago. He was suffering from prostate problem. He used to walk along the common wall on his side. He used to urinate on the wall on his side frequently.
Dr.VSR: Sir, communicate directly. I know you saw white light within you. Speak now.
Sub: I watched my house from her home. My son and daughter in law are childless and fight daily. They adopted a girl child. I have such a big house. I am very angry.
Dr.VSR: Counseling (philosophy of life and death, karma theory).
Was asked to see up in light for his wife and dear ones. Was  ultimately agreed to be sent to light.

1) Her chest is light. There is no pressure on throat. Back is feeling better.
2) Her Husband told their neighbor died after surgery for BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) due to surgical complications.

Review after 20 days:
1)   Urinary inconsistency stopped
2)   No suffocation on neck and chest.

  Twin heart meditation and rooting with Earth. To bless Earth planet daily


Monday, September 9, 2013


Benefits that can be attained through Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.
Ø Increased relaxation and the elimination of tension
Ø Increased and focused concentration
Ø Improved memory (Hypermnesia)
Ø Improved reflexes
Ø Increased self-confidence
Ø Pain Control
Ø Improved Sex Life
Ø Increased organization and efficiency
Ø Increased motivation
Ø Improved interpersonal relationships
Ø Slowing down the aging process
Ø Facilitating s better career path
Ø Elimination of anxiety and depression
Ø Overcoming bereavement
Ø Elimination of headaches, including migraine headaches
Ø Elimination of allergies and skin disorders
Ø Strengthening one’s immune system to resist any disease
Ø Elimination of habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies (self-defeating sequences)
Ø Improving decisiveness
Ø Improving the quality of people and circumstances in general, that you attract into your life
Ø Increasing your ability to earn and hold onto money
Ø Overcoming obsessive-compulsive behavior
Ø Eliminating Insomnia
Ø Improving the overall quality of your life
Ø Improved psychic awareness
Ø Establishing and maintaining harmony of body, mind and spirit