Saturday, March 9, 2019

Past life regression therapy – why?

Past life regression therapy – why?

The memories of past lives reside inside our subconscious mind.  Past life regression therapist helps one to revisit the experiences of past lives that affect and influence the present reality. Past life regression therapy offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with these memories to understand them & free oneself. The effects of a past life can manifest in current life in many ways - phobias, self-limiting beliefs, physical problems, or innate creative abilities. Violence, death, & trauma in a past life may show up as fear, uncontrollable anger, or low self-esteem in this one, while positive experiences from an earlier lifetime may cause you to feel strongly drawn to particular period in history, a seemingly unfamiliar locale, certain people who seem oddly familiar, or objects without knowing why. Nothing you see or hear harms you but lets you understand how what you experienced relates to your present life and learn from them. There may be beliefs from a past life that you are still operating under but are now ready to let go of. The body is filled with healing white light and lets one seek guidance from masters, angels & spirit guides for the right direction for current life.