Monday, January 21, 2019

Phobia and past life link.

Phobia and past life link.

A 39 year old man came for PLR session to know the reasons for his fear of break in. He said, since childhood I have the fear that somebody will enter inside at night from window/door if I am alone and harm me.


It is very big house and two men are standing outside. This house belongs to a very rich person. They are not good persons. There is a room. I am a kid of 6 years. It is night time. I am sleeping alone. Those men entered from the window. Their faces are covered. They have small size axe in their hands. The window is open. It is a very big window. They have entered through this window. They are standing near my bed. Everything is very peaceful in room. One man is hitting me with axe in my heart (started crying visibly). There is too much pain. I am dying. I am dead. My present body is feeling pain in chest and back. They return back by the window. After some hours my mother entered my room. She is shouting for help after seeing me. She is crying. I am wearing a beautiful necklace. My father is very rich. Now they are burying me. I wonder why people killed me.

As a therapist, I advised to access this information ---I see myself standing with my father during the day. My uncle also has a son. It seems he wanted his son to inherit everything. It seems my father’s men found the killers and they told that my uncle is the one who sent them.

I am feeling lot of heaviness of emotions. My last thought was that they killed me while I was sleeping. Guided towards the light, in light he said it feels as if my soul is getting purified. I feel the presence of my departed parents. It seems they are taking away all my fears.


Doctor, I am feeling light. I feel now I will sleep peacefully at night. Thank you. During Telephonic conversation after few weeks he said my sleep is good after session. The thought “somebody will break in” is not disturbing me.