Past Life Regression effective To Remove Blocks and Solve Unexplained Issues of body , mind and life , relationship, to understand purpose of life. Contact world renowned past life therapist dr.vandana raghuvanshi for past life regression, life between lives session, age regression, inner child healing, at birth regression, womb regression,re-birthing,,Healing past life,Past life therapy, Hypnotherapy Contact :09872880634.. India. ..
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
dr.vandana singh raghuvanshi past life regression therapist spritual healer reiki grandmaster spirit releasement therapist pranic healer Chandigarh(India) 09872880634 |
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
see your past lives with your own eyes, and by knowing your past solve your guided past life regression therapy is available in Chandigarh. you donot miss out past life regression therapy.dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi , is an expert in past life therapy. have you tuned your life with past life regression ???
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
pasr life regression and SRT in India and all over THE WORLD.SRT work in Chandigarh..
Thursday, December 8, 2011
past life therapy: what is past life and where is this memory is stored ???...dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi, past life therapist in Chandigarh
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
DE-JA-VU...and past life regression.a feeling of familierity , may be good or bad is de-ja-vu. you contact for PLRT for knowing the cause of de-ja-vu. past life therapy is at very populer note due to its benefits , in INDIA
PAST LIFE THERAPY IN CHANDIGARH....Its uses in your present life and why you go for past life therapy...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
my past life regression past life regression clinic in Chandigarh, INDIA.
Hi Everyone ,
I am going to share one of the most amazing experiences of my life with you which changed my understanding of relationships and so far made me a better , calmer receiver of the universal energies .
I am a psychology student myself and somehow always believed in life after death and re birth, being a Muslim I was trained and educated otherwise but deep inside I always had this curiosity to know more , I knew there is a lot more there to see, feel , learn and also teach than what we learn in religious books. Thanks to my family and especially to my father who was a very learned person I was free to express and pursue what I wanted , I was born in a Muslim family where my father followed a different religion by heart and my mother a communist who did not believe there was any God at all, however I believed in this supreme power and there was a faith I followed which I still can’t find a name for.
My life pattern and personal traits combined with my passion and desire to know more made me even more determined to start reading about life after birth, re birth and many more similar subjects . The more I read the more I wanted to know , life also started to get tougher and tougher and so did the insecurities and the common questions of “ WHY AM I THE ONE TO SUFFER”,” WHAT DID I DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS” grew bigger and bigger in my mind.
Coincidently in my life I always meet people who need my help and I somehow end up doing everything on my own, my relationships did not last more than 3-4 years despite putting in maybe 1000%, I had this weird dream about my father that would end with me waking up in tears , shaken , I kept travelling back and forth to India despite disliking the place , something kept pulling me back, the list of questions and similar patterns goes on but I wanted answers too, why was I always alone no matter how hard I tried to make everyone happy?
It is maybe my desire and perfect timing that made me find out about DR.VANDANA’s clinic in Chandigarh and there I found very many answers to my questions.
After a 2.5 hrs of consultation it was decided that I needed to go through the PAST LIFE REGRESSION.
Session 1:
The session started as per schedule and with a body energizing process and we further processed to past life regression where I got many answers to my lifelong questions. I jumped 4 lives in the first session which explains my restlessness in present life, my soul had never rested after departing in each life , and it was always in search of a better life and a better home which never happened. I got the answer to the dream about my dad as he happened to be a lover to me in one of my lives where he left and never came back, I could recognize most people I saw , it was amazing , in one of the lives I was subject to child abuse by an Arab man which cleared my question about my immense dislike for Arab men , he hurt me and in an incident my shoulder had got dislocated and I felt the same pain during the session so intense that I could not progress further and Dr. Vandana had to heal the pain first to move forward. I ran away from the child abuse in the orphanage home after being subject to child abuse for over 3.5 years and that maybe one of the reasons why my relations break and I am the one who wants to run away from the relation after I have allowed mental and emotional abuse , and ending a relation is more of celebration to me .
Dr .Vandana wanted me to know why I ended up in the orphanage and when I went to that moment I saw my mom who died after the child birth and my father had refused to take me home after he cleared the hospital bill .
I have always felt and been lonely as those around me thought she is tough enough , she is strong and would be able to handle it and I got the answer to this question too , in all the 4 lives I jumped I was always alone waiting , never ending wait for my family/husband / lover or someone to come and rescue me . I also got the answer why do I keep coming back to India , I was an Indian in 3 of my lives, two births in Rajasthan and one in Punjab where I died and my last rituals were as per Hindu mythology.
It was time for the most important lesson I had learnt and it was not a good lesson, I had learnt “Men are not trustworthy and they always use you and abuse you and then leave “, which explained why I always met the wrong people as that was the vibes I was sending to the universe all these while and universe was working to make me meet un trustworthy men .
I was shaken and yet very thankful to God and Dr.vandana as after the 1st session I am no more feeling like a victim, I now know the problem and all I have to do is to cure it.
Session 2:
We started by Body cleansing, a process Dr.Vandana had decided that was necessary after my first session. The body scanning and cleansing started and somehow we were un able to process when we reached my left wrist , the energy was not moving up and it was being blocked by a black spot , when asked it was told the black spot was to stop the blood circulation , it took Dr.Vandana a few minutes to remove the spot and ensure the flow of energy in my left arm , after the completion of body cleansing I was taken to a deep state of regression where I was an 11 year old boy ( my present life nephew) and I was alone again , waiting for family members to come back home, eventually everyone was home and still I was alone , I had a step mother and a step brother whom I loved but we still had a disconnect .
I started to feel pain in my elbows and when I was asked to see the reason behind it , it was due to an incident where my step mother was holding me from elbows and shaking me and asking me to leave the house . Eventually I saw them leave as she had some insecurities and could no more stay , I saw my present life mother and my present life elder brother , I could recognize them and also recognized my dad who was my present life father.
After these scenes I could see everything from above, I was no more in the house , I could sense I was between 17-19 yrs old and I was a bright light watching my dad from above who was alone now, I was asked to go back to time of my death and I saw I had committed suicide , I had cut my left wrist .
The amazing part about these sessions is that one can immediately relate the events to present life and re experience and re live those moments , one feels the physical pain and cries in painful events , and gets immediate answers to many life questions or maybe better called mystries.
I remember I always felt I was a step child to my mom and after the second session I knew why that feeling was always bothering me.
I also realized why there was a disconnect between my elder brother and me , two reasons : 1. He was a step brother to me in my previous life who left with his mother and never met me again, and 2.due to his speech problem which he has even in present life we could never talk . when I went back to see how he got the speech problem , realised it was caused by falling down on his first birthday and actually it was not that he was born with the problem , and so was the same in the present life , the accident was different but in both lives it happened around the time of his 1st birthday and in both lives it had caused the tongue’s nerves’ breakdown due to which he could not speak. Best is with the help of Dr.Vandana’s healing techniques I could heal him.
I finally forgave my dad and I learnt “ PEACE COMES FROM FORGIVING”
I experienced , peace , hope and happiness after forgiving my father and my step mother , i felt blessed when i healed my brother and assured him that we would always be together in the next life.
These experiences are a lot more in detail which i am unable to pen down , these are flashes of your past lives you would never forget and each time you go back you discover a new answer and a new connection and you feel blessed and at peace , it changed the way I see relationships now and in fact the way I see life now. Many of my questions have been answered and there are many more to be answered. I now know my purpose of life is different , I am here for something distinguish and I would ensure I find the way to achieve what I am supposed to .
I would like to thank Dr.Vandana for the wonderful experience .
I am looking forward to my next sessions as I still have many more questions to be answered .
Sunday, December 4, 2011
past life therapy and past life therapist in Chandigath.......
dream interpretations: consult for dream interpretation at chandigarh
![]() |
Energy Healing Guidance,Chandigarh (India), M:09872 880634. Dr. Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi: TELL ME YOUR DREAMS............INTERPRETATIONS OF ..DREAMS..IS...: " refelction of our..."
STR &Past life therapy - world-wide past life therapist are doing srt ( if required) in past life regression, age regression , including in India...
The Shadow, Soul Fragmentation, The Wall
(A single Past Life Regression Session)
Subject: 23 years male, B.Tech, complains of Panic attacks at the thought of going outside from home thus causing nausea vomiting, anxiety and colitis since last 5 years. Lack of confidence has been generated for the past 6 years. Right hand trembles whenever there is feeling anxiety since 7 years.
Feeling restlessness as if had to do something, should go somewhere...?
Feeling restlessness as if had to do something, should go somewhere...?
Medical History: Jaundice since 7 years. Fear of taking food outside after Jaundice .Feeling of weakness after Jaundice.
Family History: Death of father when subject’s age was 4 and a half year.
Scanning: Right hand showed black shadow, personification-not ready to answer anything, with counseling shadow ready to go to white light. Released to light.
Subject: I am an old man walking along a waterfall and suddenly I fell and I am dead. People buried me. Moving up. Looking like a small brown bird. Now I am sitting on a tree...
Dr. VSR – why aren’t you going up?
Sub: Want to do work at home.
Dr. VSR - Go and complete your work. (Help of divine light given)
Sub: My unfinished job done.
Dr. VSR - Go to the death point and move ahead.
Sub: I am a light going towards big light...
Dr. VSR – Whenever feel comfortable to come back from white light, go to most important root cause of your present problem.
(Silence).............long pause............
Sub: I am 5 year boy going on rickshaw from school to home. This is my present life. At home my parents waiting for me. We are happy.
Dr. VSR - Move ahead with time... going school, coming home and talking to father continued till the age of 12th class. We are happy...
Dr. VSR - Soak in happiness and confidence within.. Whenever you feel these things within u, tell me.
Healing Gap..................
Subject: I am happy
Dr. VSR – Go to the root cause of panic attack and anxiety
Subject: It is a big wall. I am standing and watching the wall. My age is about an 18 or 19 years.
Dr. VSR - See around the wall...
Subject: Nothing is there.
Dr. VSR - Divine light is removing the wall with shower of white light.
Subject: Wall is falling .I am going up. No land beneath my feet I am climbing bright white stairs. I am changing into a light. Oh again into big white light.
Dr. VSR - Come back when the time in white light is over....
Subject: It seems I rested in white light for 1 year.
1) I felt something from the whole right hand, went up... It was large shadow.
2) There is a very big wall in front of our new house. Shifted to it since 8 years. When we go out from our home there is a big wall opposite side of front gate.
3) I can’t imagine when I saw my father. Talked to him. I lived my whole school life with my father.
Follow UP: After 20 days
1) I am confident when I go out. No panic attacks
2) Right hand trembling reduced 70%.
3) I feel myself more within
4) Fear to eat out and feeling of weakness is present.
1) Consult Gastroenterologist and investigation for GIT and general weakness by medical expert from city he belongs.
2) Another session of PLRT to work up on fears regarding food after a gap of 45 days from 1st session.....................
Saturday, December 3, 2011
past life regression
Solve Your Multiple Issues :
- Relationship Issue
- Problems at Work
- Depression,Anxiety and Anger
- Lack Of Confidence
- Addictive Behavior
- Looking For Life Purpose
- Feeling Of Intense Liking and Disliking
- Reccurent Same Dream And Nightmare
- Fear And Phobias
- Unpredictable Life Pattern
- Feeling Lonely Within Family
- Unlock Secret Of Your Subconscious Mind
- To Understand Re-Incarnation and Law Of Karma
Monday, November 28, 2011
the most improtant thing in past life regression, which comes is you understand your-self well, your inner hidden capability comes to your concious mind you feel better by your emotions and becomes more tolrent you understands causes of your own drawbackes much better you know your soul path and be more careful in present life dealing for goodness. as a past life therapist and after regressing to my own six past-lives i find myself a better humen being than before, i can fogive others easily, i feel now understand others much better, my own past lives learning came up with regression in my concious mind, i do not expect from my relations much and feel like more giver in my life. dr.vandana singh raghuvanshi past life therapist, chandigarh(india) |
Past Life Regression and Phobia Treatment in Chandigarh-Blood Phobia
A 14 year old girl, blood phobia since childhood even if she watches a movie. Headache when in stress. Fear from alcohol and drug abuse. Wants to settle abroad.
On Scanning: Blackness abdomen, chest-released.
Fire on right shoulder-healed
Neck-wood is present here. It is brown colored.
Fire on right shoulder-healed
Neck-wood is present here. It is brown colored.
Dr.VSR: remove this wood and see what is behind it. ?
Sub: I am inside a brown house. There is a lady. She is my mother. She is lovingly talking with me. My father came and my mother moved away. I am lonely. I have a sister. My name is Andrew. I live in Turkey. I am 15 years old. My parents are leaving me. I am no their child. They adopted me. I am running after them. I am below a truck. Oh!! (She cried in pain). My both legs are cut. They left me. My friend is taking me to the hospital. Now I am in a home and alone.
Dr.VSR: remove this wood and see what is behind it. ?
Sub: I am inside a brown house. There is a lady. She is my mother. She is lovingly talking with me. My father came and my mother moved away. I am lonely. I have a sister. My name is Andrew. I live in Turkey. I am 15 years old. My parents are leaving me. I am no their child. They adopted me. I am running after them. I am below a truck. Oh!! (She cried in pain). My both legs are cut. They left me. My friend is taking me to the hospital. Now I am in a home and alone.
Dr.VSR: go to the time when you were with your mother who gave you birth.
Sub: I am in lap of my mother, Messi. I am 6 month old. It is Scotland. They are poor. They gave me for adoption.
Sub: I am in lap of my mother, Messi. I am 6 month old. It is Scotland. They are poor. They gave me for adoption.
Dr.VSR: move to adult life.
Sub: I am married. I have a son. My wife loves me.
Sub: I am married. I have a son. My wife loves me.
Dr.VSR: move ahead. Go to significant event.
Sub: I am not well. Wife is dead. I am stressed and having heaviness in head with severe ache. I am sick. I am dead. They buried me.
Sub: I am not well. Wife is dead. I am stressed and having heaviness in head with severe ache. I am sick. I am dead. They buried me.
Dr.VSR: see how you look now.
Sub: I am a light going up in sky.
Sub: I am a light going up in sky.
1. I saw too much bleeding from legs. I think I will not fear blood now.
2. I love speaking English and want to settle abroad.
3. My friend who took me to the hospital is my brother in present life, who is adopted by my parents. I love him more than my real sister.
Advised: Consult after 45 days.
Consultation after 2 months:
Sub: I saw blood from finger of my maids’ cut wound. I was not at all fearful. I dressed the wound. I can watch movie carefree. I will opt for Science Biology in 11th class.
Sub: I saw blood from finger of my maids’ cut wound. I was not at all fearful. I dressed the wound. I can watch movie carefree. I will opt for Science Biology in 11th class.
-Dr.Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi
Past Life Therapist, Chandigarh
Past Life Therapist, Chandigarh
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MY SOUL- MATES....PLR( past life regression is the answer)...take plr in Chandigarh, INDIA
Thursday, November 24, 2011
if you feel there is somthing inside me which is causing constant uncontroled thought, it can be fear ?? guilt ??? take past life therapy in Chandigarh
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
why do you hesitate to take past life therapy / regression therapy ???...dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi, past life therapist in India, based in Chandigarh
Sunday, November 20, 2011
past life regression helps you to understand your spiritual journey....dr.vandana singh raghuvanshi, past life therapist in India
how can i remove my fear to go for past life regression and hypnotherapy ??? as i know that past life regression is a craze in India . I FEEL LIKE GOING FOR MY PAST LIFE REGRESSION...
Friday, November 18, 2011
My own past -life -regregression experience !!!!....she is sharing her own past life her own words ..A past life regression conducted by .dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi, past life therapist in INDIA
Hi Everyone,
I am back to share my 3rd regression session , before we started the session Dr.Vandana explained to me and actually prepared me for the session , she told me that this would be a difficult session and i may have difficulty in seeing things and i should be prepared and use my senses to feel my surroundings and also try and concentrate as i may lose directions.
We started the session, as expected i was not able to regrese as easily as before, had difficulty in the first phase itself however with her efforts i managed to reach the most difficult time my soul had experienced. I saw myself as an 8 years old golden hair boy looking at sky and playing with a kite , i started feeling uneasy feeling a dark shadow behind me. He was my gaurdian a black farm manager who had come to take me from the fields, to take me back to the farm. I was not related to him and i was raised by him on a farm located in mexico.
Dr .Vandana asked me to progress further and see what happened, i had difficulty in moving in time , i saw myself at the age of 15 wearing brown cowboy pants, it felt like i was not an obedient child anymore, i was not still helping the black guy in any way and i was just living on that farm with them, it took me alot of effort to reach the event that had effected me, it was in mexico city, i was 17 years old and i was standing at a corner , smoking , i could sense that i was a guy that people feared and if they talked to me or called me it was because of my fearless and mischeivious behaviour and not out of true respect, next i heard the black guy calling me from behind by my name , he said “ hey Bob”, and before i could turn my head fully , he hit me with a sharp edged weapon in the head , i cld feel the pain but not see the blood and i kept telling Dr.Vandana that there is no blood, i was taken to a nursing home where i was treated. after this point everything was blank and i could not progress further, would lose Dr’s directions however finally i moved to another chapter, at this point i was a 28 yrs old man , tall with brown hair, wore good clothes, married with 2 kids and i knew i was in new york city .
By now i knew i was of Italian origin and had now settled in new york, i was short tempered, did not respect my wife, did not love her though i was attached to her and i was a chain smoker which i kept on telling Dr.Vandana” I smoke alot, i smoke alot”.
Dr.Vandana asked me what did u do ? and i said i was always at home , i only ordered, i no more worked and remained home most of the times as now i had people work for me , and she asked what do they do for you ? I answered they bring me the money, i am the Mafia Don .
She asked me if i ever killed anyone and i did not want to answer, i said i no more kill and i only order my people to kill.She asked me why did i stay home and i answered to protect my family.
She asked me again if i killed many people but i did not answer and i could not progress, i said i am very short tempered, i dont like my wife, women are good for nothing, they are only there to reproduce and they can do nothing in life. My wife’s name was Mary,she was my mom-( in real life)-.
I had an assitant who took care of everything , namely billy..This man is a friend in real life , someone who played a very major role in my today’s misery. I told Dr.Vandana that billy is the guy who would take care of the business after me.
She asked my why i did not love my wife but i did not say anything and again went into a discomfort mode. After sometime Dr.Vandana asked me to move ahead in that life and then i was on the street, shot in the right knee and in the right side of the stomach, it was a shoot out of two gangs and i was shot, billi took me to a place where i felt i stayed for 3 months to recover from the wounds. My knee healed however my stomach remained infectious throughout life, interesting is that exactly at the age of 34 i started to have this knee problem/ injury where after many tests and MRIs doctors are still not sure what did cause it and asked me not to have any physical activity that would put stress on my knee for 6-9 months but more interesting is the wound on the right side of the stomach.I have a birth mark exactly at the same place. It is amazing how we carry even the physical pain with us.
When i further progressed in my past life as Don Bob, i saw myself at home, and suddenly i was hauling, the feeling of loss was so intense that i was shaking and crying , when Dr. Asked me to explain why i was crying i told her that my wife had sent both my sons to billy, as she thought they were more safe with him ...I could never forgive my wife for this act.
The next scene was that my wife was packing her suitcase and wanted to leave, i did not stop her, i let her go. Dr.vandana sked me to see where she was and i saw her in a house where women with no family and support were taken care of , she died a lonely death there at maybe 34 and my younger son was the only person present at her funeral.
Next Dr.Vandana asked me to see where my sons were and i could see that they were with billy , now young men, my elder son was a very cruel and shrewd man , a bad soul with scary eyes , he happened to be the closest person to me in this life who actually ruined my life and my younger son was aloof , he was not happy being there.
After this i cld not progress further so Dr.Vandana asked me to go back to childhood again , there i came to know how i had landed up living with the black guy, i was 3 years old walking with my mom and dad on the street and i was lost around noon, and by evening when no one came to take me ,the black guy he took me to that farm and raised me, at this point i knew why he hit me at the age of 17, i had become popular and the farm owner had asked me to take care of the farm and had put him out of joband jealousy was the reason for his action. This guy too has played a very major role in my today’s problems.By now i knew who he was.
At this point Dr.Vandana asked me again if i ever killed anyone and i said 4-5 maybe and i killed the black guy too. It felt as if i felt the black guy and his action lead me to becming a don as after i killed him in a state of revenge i had to tun away and everntually i turned to a Don, i felt he was responsible for polluting my soul and it is so amazing i feel the same about the person in my real life, i feel he is the cause of me taking a very wrong decision and i have been tricked to a situation that i never wanted to be in.
The next scene was when my elder son he came home, he was furious, he wanted to kill me as he thought and belived i had sent his mom away and was responsible for his death, i explained to him that she was not happy and she herself left the house, showed him the cupboard that she had taken all her belongings, he calmed down and left, at this moment i told Dr. That i did not like him and he was a bad soul, he had killed many people and was cruel , she asked me why didnt i like my elder son and finally i told the secret that he was not my son, he was my wife’s and billy’s son and i felt i never told this to my son as i did not want him to hate his mother. Interesting is t fact that the mother of the same person in my real life had ran away with her lover after marriage and then was brought back home.
Dr.Vandana asked me if i had relations with any other women and i refused very clearly. I was asked to go to the time of death , i saw myself as 75 years old who was very weak due to excessive smoking and the wound in the stomach. I was trying to turn off the light when i fell and died, my body was there for 7 days and was eventually recovered by neighbours and police came to take my body, i was not leaving the place till my body was taken care of.
Doctor asked my what colour light i was and my answer was that i was a grey powder, she asked me to move on and go into the white light but i told her i wanted to go back , i had some work, she told me to go back and finsih it and i went back to see my younger son , i saw him and gave him my blessings and it is after that that i cld move up and above, it was a great struggle to go to the white light , Dr.Vandana being a healer as well pushed me with her techniques and eventually i reached the white light , it was magical and peaceful, i feel i rested there for 7 years.
Before the session had started i had asked y me , why have i been suffering all the time in very single life and i got my answers, she told me to see the master and ask my questions, master was disappointed but still waited to hear my question, after i asked the question he was furious and left, the feeling i got was , he wanted to convey” when you know the answer why are you fooling yourself and why are you wating my time “ i was shaken , Dr.Vandana without hearing my question , had sensed that and immediately asked me to go to my soulmates and ask from them and they too were disppointed and asked me to look for answer within me”
After that Doctor asked me to go back and forgive the black guy, my wife, my son, billy which i did , most difficult was my son, he was a bad soul only seeking revenge , i tried and he seemed to be convinced , by this time i was too tired and exhausted, dr Vandana asked me to take energy from white light and then i was slowly brought back to my conscious level.
Its 3 weeks from my session now but i still feel the pain and the tiredness as i had a very difficult life both physically and emotionally. I have found many answers to my questions, i am more firm in my decisions and have the ability to say no to the wrong people .
Thank you doctor.
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