Friday, April 22, 2016

Eractile Dysfunction [ ED] And Past life link...session report...

~A 29 year old man with the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction came for past life regression. His wanted to know why I have ED and why I took birth in such a strange family?  My father left home, my mother is depressed, brother is spastic and sister is BPD patient. Why I don’t have a normal life?
It is a village. I live in a hut. I am 7 years and I am very black. My whole family is black. We are manual workers. Epidemic has spread in the village. My parents, sister and lot of villagers are dead. All are cremated together. The survivors are crying. I go to others for meals. I also started manual work when I grew up. Now I am 22 years of age. Villagers have arranged my marriage. I am walking in the front. Very few people are walking along with me. It is very simple Mandap and marriage ceremony.
I am back in my hut with my wife. She is very fair, oval face and very beautiful. I am having complex. I am looking ugly and she is beautiful. I am feeling disconnected with her. During day I go to work & in night I lose confidence. She shouts at me and I feel very inferior to her.  We never had physical relation. I lost confidence of having sex due to inferiority complex. And she used to get frustrated and started shouting at me. I feel ashamed of my manhood. I am 30 years and my wife eloped with someone. I am very sad. I am in the hut all alone. I work and roam here and there.
I am 40 years. I walk down to the temple on the bank of river and jump into the river. I am dead. It was an empty life. The lesson I needed to learn How to live alone?

Guided to light. In light received guidance from master that you are destined to live alone in this life. Regarding the question of strange family, the answer given is that in one life you had badly hurt them, in this life you are repaying them.