Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Rebirthing sessions helps in Hypothyroidism.... Contact us at 9872880634

Thyroid comes because of stress ..Thyroid is a gland which secretes the harmone thyroxin which controls our metabolism. If excess is secreted then we have hyperthyroidism and if less is secreted then we have a deficiency by the name Hypothyroidism.
Thyroid is linked to our Throat Chakra which is related with our ability to make decisions based upon needs . This chakra is also about psychological and spiritual growth . This centre of energy is also related to the sacral chakra and thus problem in any of the two chakras will lead to ovarian disorders or testicular problems. Whenever there’s hyper activity in this glad it’s about your being too busy spending energy outwards. Nothing can slow you down and you seem to be too obligated to people you love. There’s no time for your own needs.?Theres always this constant fear of not being able to act fast or ‘ Jaise ki mere haath bandhe ho’. Sometimes there’s poor judgement or misplaced motivation. Such people may also lie in order to get things going in their lives. This hyperthyroidism is telling you to take it easy, to discover your needs, to create the life you truly want . You don’t have to validate yourself all the time.
Hypothyroid people have to overcome this belief that you are unable to engineer your life. It’s a message to get more active and more responsive about your life . Get charged with ‘ I WANT ‘ in your life. Pep yourself and stop being sceptical. You have a right to a fully satisfying life . If you have trouble asking , then stop that . Ask and ye shall receive. Forgive those who fed you with the insecurity spoon .
Thyroid being related to throat is all about communication.. how much are you being listened to ...Are you being able to voice your concerns!!!Are you in or out of the controlling realm.!!!How much of space are you wanting and being given !!!!. Are you being able to communicate your likes and dislikes !!!,.. and if you’re doing that , are you being heard or acknowledged!!!! A lot of self esteem issues come from here . Are you being heard at home , in school , at place of work , in your marriage. Many a times you may try to voice your opinion to your spouse who may just ignore it . That irritation of not being heard will lead to vaginitis or irritation in your vaginal area or a lot of discharge. What you can’t speak , will find it’s way . Identify what’s the cause and remember the solution lies with you.

The most difficult problems to deal with are our relationships . The angst, the trauma, the hatred, the enimosity has so much of negative energy which bogs us down. Negative energy has claws and it clings  to you , feeds on you, leaves you empty while positive energy flows, it doesn’t hold on to you .. . Make a choice .. what do you want .. to hold on or to let go ..