Past Life Regression effective To Remove Blocks and Solve Unexplained Issues of body , mind and life , relationship, to understand purpose of life. Contact world renowned past life therapist dr.vandana raghuvanshi for past life regression, life between lives session, age regression, inner child healing, at birth regression, womb regression,re-birthing,,Healing past life,Past life therapy, Hypnotherapy
Contact :09872880634..
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Most of the person who come to a therapist have been abused in someway..... either physically, emotionally, sexually or through sheer neglect.It has usually involved a person from family or close friends.Memory of child abuse is often repressed , can only recover by going into regression. MOST ABUSE GETS PUSHED INTO THE DEEPER LAYERS OF MIND, EMERGING THROUGH THE SURFACE OF CONSCIOUSNESS EITHER THROUGH FEARS, OBESSIONS, ANGER, COMPLSIONS, DEPRESSION, FATASIES. THE VICTIM LATER INFLICTS ON OTHERS WHAT HE/ SHE HAS SUFFERED. Child abuse causes an altered state of mind when in extreme fear or pain , and therefore the words said at these times remain lodged / accepted by self as truth , into the deeper layers from which the dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaviour emerge .eg--worthlessness , worng , evil etc. Sharing about the incident with therapist, who can provide a non - judgemental space , is in itself a breakthrough in dissolving fear, guilt and shame towards abuse. Regression helps in healing the trauma.