Sunday, November 10, 2013

Regreesion at the time of birth...Past life regression therapy center in Chandigarh, India...09872880634

Birth Regression...
This  process is one of reliving one’s own birth process . The objective
of regression at time of birth is to re- experience any associated feelings, and to revivify a component
of the birth event in order to release the individual from any perceived traumas
which occurred during their birth.  Once this
has taken place and been processed fully by the individual, a remission from the
associated symptom can be obtained. An example of this might be a patient who
has claustrophobia, and experiencing the regression at birth event  process ‘uncovers’ a traumatic
birth experience during which they recall having the umbilical cord around their
neck at the time of delivery. Once the experience has been processed consciously,
the requirement for the symptom is then eliminated. 

The regression at birth time gives very good result.