Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Second life of a doctor who regressed three lives in a single session

Second life of a medical doctor who regressed three lives in a single session.


It is a village. I am a young man. My wife is very beautiful and happy. We have a little son. We are very happy. I wear a turban. We are poor and live a very simple life. My wife loves me too much.

It is day time my wife is giving me something and smiling. I am going on cycle to somewhere very far. On the way some heavy vehicle hit me and I fell down. My head is hurt badly. I am very afraid.  I died. I am 25 yrs old. I am very sad. My wife and son are left alone. Now I am watching from above. People have gathered. They wrapped me in a cloth and took me home. My wife and son are crying a lot. I am feeling very distressed and sad. People cremated me. Son is my daughter in present life. Wife is a person whom I met in present life and have a special feeling for. Lesson learnt it is important that we spend maximum time with those whom we love.

On my journey towards light, I had a Divine spiritual experience.