Monday, April 29, 2019

Lesson learnt live contented & happy life- past life session

Lesson learnt live contented & happy life- past life session

A young person took PLR session to understand present life.


I am standing in front of a big castle with big wooden door. I am wearing white gown. I am very thin and beautiful 20 year old girl. Now I am in my room. It is a very big room. It is day time and I am with my family. I am not much connected to them.

Now I am 21. There is a big party at home. There is a man here. I am looking towards him and he is also looking at me. We are meeting outside in garden, we are singing & enjoying. It is evening. I am very happy. After some time one day I could not find him in garden. I am afraid he has gone somewhere. I came back to my room and crying.

Now I am 25. It is my marriage. I do not feel happy. I miss that man. My husband is good looking person. Now I am in another castle. It is my husband’s home. We are sleeping in a big room. With time I have two kids. I take care of them. I do not go out of the castle. I never went to meet my parents. My life is monotonous. I lack happiness but I do not show it. It is 1595. Now I have a friend. I am almost 40. She comes. I am happy. She is a villager and a very happy person. We understand each other. I recognise her in my present life. Now I am 45 but look old. I have wrinkles. This is because I am not happy. My husband is worried but least concerned.

I am very old almost 75. Now I go outside castle. There are big mountains and a very wide strong river. I keep on watching the water flowing down the river. I want to be me only. I want to settle everything, all grudges and to be at peace with my grudges. I do not want anything.

I am on the bed. I am 80 year old surrounded by my grand children. I am at ease with my emotions. In the last 5 years I worked a lot on myself. My death came very easily. My last thought was I am happy. I am contended. My name is Marya. The lesson I learnt that I need to be contented and at peace. I am going towards light. In light masters said in this life also you need to understand yourself and learn to live happily.