Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Problem in expressing feelings and past life regression

Problem in expressing feelings and past life regression

A 20 year old girl came to understand why I have problem in expression of my feelings.


I am a small 5 years old boy living with my parents in a small house. My father is a farmer. He is strict but nice gentleman. I go to school. It seems recent times.  Big boys bully me in school and I cry.
Now I am 20 years old going to city for a job. I got job in a co-operative office. I met a girl in the same office. We like each other. I can recognise her in my present life. At 24 years I got married to her in village.  She had a son and left the job. I return very late and we do not talk much now. Things are not good between us. I am not able to express my emotions to her. I am 32 and we are celebrating our marriage anniversary at home. Few office friends came and we have a party. After the party is over we are discussing something and my wife is packing things. She left with my son same day. I try to stop her but she does not. I try to express my feelings but could not. I cried a lot.

I live alone. In my 30s I become the boss. I am very rude now. My life moved on all alone. I did not try to meet them. Now I am 61. This is 1947. It is Ujjain. I sit on a chair and look at kids playing outside. I miss my family. I am getting weak. At the age of 64 I died in a hospital. My last thought was my desire to see my family. There was heaviness on my heart and my body was very fragile. The lesson I learnt that I should have gone to speak, pursue and convince her. May be my ego stopped me from doing it. Some people are cremating me. Now I am in light. The masters are giving me some Guidance. They advise me to do meditation in this life.