Sunday, April 21, 2019

Understanding life journey

A past life regression therapy session to understand own life’s journey.

I am a young labourer wearing dhoti. I am with other labourers constructing palace. I am happy. Now I am having food with my wife at home. We live in a small hut. Most of the labourers live here. Now all the men are sitting outside and talking to each other. This area is near some jungle. It is night. Suddenly a man is telling that a boy and girl are running away. We all took lantern and went in search of them. I found them. All are beating them. They are crying. They killed them. I am sad I found them. We all return home and I told to my wife about it. She seems very afraid and upset. I am surprised. My wife is much younger than me.

After few months I learnt that she loves some young boy. When I go to work he comes to meet her. I am very worried, what will happen to them if others came to know of it. One day I myself decided to send them away. They are now going through forest. I am guarding them. Later on villagers learnt but cannot do anything now. I keep on working. I am very lonely & very irritable. The construction of palace is complete. Raja rewarded us. I am 35 now. A young boy comes near my hut off and on. He is also grown up now. He talks to me nicely. Life is moving on like this. The boy also left village. He returned after few years. I am 60 yrs old at this time. I am not well. He became a monk and is asking for Bhiksha. He recognised me. I felt very happy. He prayed for me. I request him to stay with me for few days. I die. He did my last rituals. 

I am going to light. I am feeling calmness. I am receiving many guidances that will help me in my coming times. I also understood my current life’s journey.