Saturday, November 24, 2018

Past Life regression therapy

Importance of Past Life Regression Therapy in Energy Healing

Past life emotional, physical, mental traumas are carried forward to present life and remain in scar form in sub-conscious mind. These traumas can repeat in present life in various ways like sadness, anger, depression, fear, guilt, arrogance, loneliness, troubled relations, inner restlessness, feel like crying from inside, breathlessness, disease, body pains, chest pain, epilepsy, infertility, insomnia, obesity, lack in sexual desire, inability to adapt, intense dislike for someone close, urge for substance abuse, addictions, negative thinking, recurrent dreams, phobia of unknown, aimlessness and much more.

Reliving Past life helps you release past life traumas and heal the present. For Past life regression therapy Contact: 9872880634