29 year old man with history of diabetes since the age of eleven opted for PLR
session to understand the reason of early onset of diabetes.
It is very old time. It is a forest. I am a
boy. The forest is full of dense trees. I am 14 year old wearing tribal clothes
sitting along with others around a fire and chatting. I am very happy. Our
group goes deep in the forest for hunting and come back. Life is good.
Now I am 20 year old. It is night and I go in
my hut. There is a woman with me in the hut.
Next day I go in the forest all alone. I came
back. We are sitting around the fire as usual in the night. Suddenly I get into
an argument with a man bigger than me. He got angry. He started punching me in
the stomach with a lot of force. I fall. He kept on hitting me in the stomach.
I am in lot of pain. No one is stopping him. There is acute internal pain in my
stomach. When he stopped I somehow dragged myself to my hut. The lady was not
there. I am in lot of agony holding my stomach and sinking. Slowly I died. I am
free from that pain. (Please bring me back to present).