Sunday, December 1, 2019

You carry diffent Energy's from your Past life..You may be stuck up dueto that in your present life.Take a Past life regression session and free yourself..

Emotions ( Water chakra) which too come and go depending on the circumstances,  the people,  the place the activity..,.The problem begins when we hold on to them . Our emotions too are fluid just like the water but we want to hold them and hold them tight , not letting go of them . Let them come and go, just watch them  , see them , feel them , understand what they're trying to teach you. Our emotions are our teachers ..anger, fear , insecurity etc , ..we can't hold on to our teachers Instead we need to see them as a guide ,what are they trying to teach us, what are the lessons behind them , how can we work upon them. Every emotion is related to a Chakra and with that to an organ . If I'm insecure it's because of a depleted Root chakra and that will definitely affect my legs , and I'll find myself unable to move forward . If I find myself unable to move ahead then I'll find myself stuck in a job , or with a boss I don't like . But if I'm fluid like the water then I'll move .
The Sacral chakra is related to water and if that centre is depleted I'll find myself emotionless, pretty deadened and if the chakra is expanded, I'm going to be emotional as hell. The more emotional I am ,the more clingy I am ..this will affect my relationships,  my creativity. The energy of water can never be static because that would amount to stagnation. Wherever theres a blockage of water it rots and it stinks and so do our emotions if there's a blockage.  Be in the flow  be in the now,  move , carry on  because that's what life is supposed to be . The more we move , the more energy gets invited. Movement means newness ..static means stagnation. Just don't stop... Add fluidity to your life , to your thoughts , to your action . Remember the more you flow,  the more you glow and the less you flow   , it makes you slow.
Choose fluidity vs being static