Thursday, April 19, 2018

A 32 yrs male working in MNC regressed three past lives in a single past life regression session....After session he said- It was amazing.....

1st life...Prakash (~1960) an army man, only son of small estate in Rajasthan. Lesson learnt.. Have courage, stick to your point, do what you really love to do.

**2nd life-...Mimi (~1900), a woman, Argentina,bought up her daughter alone, as her loving husband died when her daughter was only three. She spent whole life for daughter and did not go for another chance to have company that came in her life .Lesson learnt....Courage is must to take a call for things one feels strongly about. If you have courage you do not miss another chance.

***3rd life....Borris (~1893 Russia) lived a good life, was sportsman, married young, understood very soon that they were very different, incompatible, took decision to live separately, traveled, wrote, when felt lonely felt like adopting child, adopted child, lived happily with son till end. Lesson learnt....Satisfactory life. decide in time. Listen to heart. Do not leave people who love you.

In present life...Borris life wisdom and lesson was needed to be reminded, as in Mimi’s life and Prakash’s life…. ..