Sunday, April 15, 2018

Habit of bed wetting and past life link

A 17 years old girl with complain of bed wetting and shy of being in crowded places came for past life regression.


I am a 7 years old boy living with my brother, sister, parents and grandmother. I am the eldest. It is morning and my mother is scolding me for my bed wetting habit. I am 15 years of age now going along with my family to a relatives wedding. I am feeling very hesitant and shy because we will stay at our relatives place for a week. A lot of relatives are there and I am sleeping along with the relatives. I am worried about my bed wetting. It is morning, all are laughing at me. I am feeling very embarrassed. I am not talking to anyone and avoid eye contact now. We are back at home. I do not want to leave home except for studies. I am 19 years of age now and gained a lot of weight. I am now very overweight and ashamed of my body. I am in a crowd. I am 22 years of age and feeling shy and afraid. Some event is taking place. I am with my friend and he is making fun of me because of my obesity. I study a lot. I become a school teacher. Life is normal now. Family is talking about my marriage. I am very tense. I am married. My wife is good and understanding. I spoke to her about my wet wetting problem and she told she will always love me. My bed wetting stopped after six months of my marriage. Now I have one daughter and one son. Life is good now.  

I am running high grade fever. I am getting weak day after day. Now something is very wrong as I am bed ridden. My bed wetting has started again. My wife serves me a lot. I do not recover and die at the age of 49 years. There was a lot of discomfort in my body at the time of death. My last thought was ‘What will happen to my family?’


Her mother told she is my eldest daughter and she scolded her a lot since her childhood. Now I will love her. Girl told I avoid eye contact in this life. I am gaining weight very fast for the last two years. She contacted me after one year and told that bed wetting stopped after six months of the session. She is now comfortable being in the company of people.