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Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Life between lives - A story
Past Life Story:
I faced lot of
issues and problems since the age of 5 and life only got tougher and more complicated
with time. At 17 when everyone is at his/her best time, enjoying life and
making more friends, for me real struggle for life started. Differences with my
father cropped up, as I would not approve of perceived injustice, that lead to financial
struggle and a lot more. My never ending life surprises continued that would
take me by another blow. The most difficult experience of my life was to leave
two of my closest loved ones. It was a
major unavoidable change in my life.The feeling that I had done absolutely nothing
to deserve this life brought me to the verge of a breakdown. It is at this time
I met Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi to know “Why did I have such a difficult life”.
It is a grey
coloured room, the walls & even the floor has grey stones. I am a 1 year
old girl playing with small handmade dolls. A tall dark man, who is my father
in present life also, picked me up and is playing with me. I feel am being held by a stranger as it is
the first time i am seeing him. He is my father.
My mother wearing
black clothes came and is asking my father to leave as she did not want to see
him ever again. They are arguing. I am crying and crawling looking for a safe place.
She is upset because he had disappeared before i was born and never bothered to
come back and look after us. My mother had to work hard to be able to take care
of me and her father. She had lost her
mother to whom she was attached the most.
I am 19 and
choose to be a Nun in the Church. I am
very devoted. At the age of 35 I am recognized and called Mother Ann.
It is St. Mary’s
Church somewhere in Romania. My mother came to see me. She needed me as she was
alone now but I was very detached. I felt I belonged to the church and had to
serve Jesus.
She came second
time to see me. She is crying and begging me to come and live with her. I felt no
emotions as I am totally detached. I refuse to go with her.
I am saying
prayers at the burial of my mother. I am
shaken, my belief in myself and what i am doing is shaken. I am finding it difficult to finish the
prayers but i do complete the prayer as everyone there is looking up to me. I am
their mentor, their role model. I realise that service to family and loved ones
is our foremost duty even more important than serving Jesus.
I am 82 and unwell
and young nuns are taking care of me. I feel end of my life has come. I get up
from bed and leave my room. I go to the main hall. I bow and then kneel down
for prayer. I seek forgiveness for my behaviour with my mother. I pray till
last moment. I feel my soul leaving my body exiting from my crown.
I wait there for the nuns, who come for
preparing the hall for morning prayers, to discover my body. I am buried in the
same Church and my name read Mother Ann ( Anna Krista).
I wanted to meet
my mother and seek her forgiveness before moving up. I went to her but she was
too upset with me. She was not ready to listen. It felt as if she said I have
forgiven you but “don’t you think it’s that easy and I can forget it”, she
hugged me and gave me a half smile but I had to move. I could not wait anymore.
I reached the
bright white light very fast, i did not want to rest and was ready for my next
assignment. I saw Master soul looking at me with a smile, a smile like that of a
parent when he sees his child impatient for the game.
I went to the Master
soul for blessings, I am blessed, I was asked to see my planning chart and look
around if there is a counsellor table, i
saw it , i knew that was my present life chart but i was still getting
blessings, it was such a peaceful experience, it felt great .I sat there and i
saw my chart, i saw my parents on the left corner above the chart, it felt as
if their role had come to an end with this life and they were about to exit my
life pattern.
I saw my ex
husband and two more men who have had a very major role in my life, my husband
was smiling and the other two people, one was confused as to why did he have to
be even there and the third man who has had a very major role in my life both
good and bad he was looking at me as if he wanted some answers and he was still
hopeful that i may consider his role.
After seeing all
these i was looking for my soul mate and the rest of soul mates but i saw no one
and i went back to the Master soul, i kneeled down with my hands folded and i
asked him why did i choose such a difficult life, at this time i burst out into
tears and i could not stop, he replied that you did not choose your chart, you
told me what you wanted and i chose your chart for you. I looked at him and asked him then why did you
make me suffer so much, i was begging him, he knew i was having no more strength,
and i was giving up, he said : “ YOU WANTED TO BE WITH YOUR SOULMATE SO YOU HAD
BE A HEALER SO YOU HAD TO LEARN PATIENCE”, that is why i chose this chart for
I stopped crying
at this moment and asked him if my chart could be changed as I could no more go
on like this, i told him i had no energy, i could not bear anymore pain and he
told me he won’t change the chart, he told me you are very close to your life
purpose and to have all that you have asked for so i won’t change your chart,
the difficult part is over and the life you wanted is to begin and i can’t let
you go through all these in another life, you need to complete all your exams
and start the life you have asked for and that is very near, You cannot give
I started crying
again and went back to my chart and this time i saw two of my soul mates, my
brother and my soul mate, i realised my brother was there for my support and
the time of being with soul mate was very close, i saw a date there. Then i was
looking for a date for my healing clinic and other wishes i had and i saw a
date for next year for my healing clinic too.
I went back to
the Master soul to ask if i was meant to be healer then why is it that there
are still issues and i have to wait another year, and i saw myself again at the
counselor table, i knew it was because i needed to learn patience, to be more grateful and also got the impression
that i have been having a tendency to forget my lessons from previous lives so
it was to ensure that before i was a healer with such a huge responsibility i
had learnt all the lessons and i would remember them all and actually would be
fit to be a good healer who could carry such a responsibility. I saw the third
man on the right hand side of my chart next two the other two and realised his
role in my life was to make me meet my soul mate and his role has now come to
an end, Dr.Vandana asked me if i need to clear any more issues with him but he
had become too small and i could sense he was of another category and his role
had come to an end, he had shrunk and was becoming smaller and smaller.
I went back to
the Master soul and told him i needed strength and his blessing to be able to
come out of all these tests successfully, he picked me up and took me to his
thank him while he continued to bless me, at this time i saw another soul mate
of mine, a very dear person in my present life, the master soul blessed her,
she was wearing a Golden shawl around her, the same i have seen of Budha in
some pictures, master soul blessed her and took her under his arms and gave her
blessings and gave me the impression that all that had to happen would happen
through her and that i was in safe hands.
Master Soul blessed both of us and then it
was time to come back.
It was an elaborate
“Life between Life (LBL) session”. The blissful feeling was beyond imagination
and out of this world. I could feel the strength within me, the hope and the
Dr Vandana I am grateful for such an amazing
I had an easy
life, it had no purpose, I became a Nun and served the church because I
found comfort in it, I never went out of
my comfort zone to find out if I could do anything else, when I compare this
with my present life I realize the connection to this life is that I chose
totally opposite life pattern, I would always go for challenges and have been
looking for my life purpose , I chose a very difficult life pattern that i have
had no time to rest and have never been
at ease.
My past life
regression unfolded many connections, many questions were answered and many
worries ended and yet I cried, got exhausted and on the verge of giving up. (each
soul chooses its life pattern and the people in
I realized
relationships and families were very important in our soul print and maybe this
is the reason why one of my fears in this life is losing my mother when i am
not around or that of her falling sick and i would not be there to take care of